Price Psychology: 3 Weird Pricing Facts Every Doula Needs To Know

mindset money thangs pricing Aug 05, 2024

💖 Welcome, beautiful soul! 🌟 Today, we’re diving into the magical world of price psychology—where numbers meet perception, and where what you charge says so much more than just a dollar amount. Pricing isn’t just about slapping a number on your offerings; it’s a subtle form of communication that links value, quality, and trust. When your price doesn’t reflect the magic and transformation you provide, it sends out all the wrong signals. Let’s explore how to align your pricing with the incredible value you deliver, so you can attract those premium clients who know your worth!


3 Weird Pricing Facts Every Doula Needs To Know

Fact #1: People immediately link price with… quality, value, and results.

A price that doesn’t reflect the magic, beauty, and transformational POWER of what you’re offering sends out the wrong vibes. It whispers (or maybe even shouts):

I’m new at this.

I’m not very confident.

This probably won’t deliver amazing results.

It’s not high quality.

Yikes! That’s how you end up turning away those dreamy, premium clients you deserve! 🚫✨


Fact #2: When the perceived value and actual price don’t match, it confuses customers… and confused customers don't buy.

Imagine seeing a Craigslist ad for a brand new Lexus in perfect condition for only $5,000. 🚗💸 Tell me intuitively; what’s the first thing that would cross your mind?

I don't know about you, but personally, my first thought would be: “Why is it SO cheap?! Something’s gotta be wrong with it. This is absolutely a scam….”

Even if the ad is completely, totally legit, and someone just needs to make a quick sale… you’ve already got a bad feeling about it. That trust is shattered in a split second! Once it’s gone, it’s nearly impossible to win back.

The underlying problem here? The value and price are completely out of sync. In other words, the value of it and the price of it… are MILES apart. And this almost always results in: ZERO SALES.

Incredible, amazing things at crazy-low prices? 🚩 Red flags everywhere! And girl, you don’t want to be sending out red flags to your audience!

When you’re telling your clients that your doula services come with all these AMAZING benefits—you’re going to be their support system for nine whole months, their trusted guide through one of the most important moments in their lives, available anytime, all this life-changing stuff… and then you say, “Oh, and it’s just $800.” 💥 RED FLAG!

Your potential client is thinking: “Wait, why is it so cheap? Can it really be that important? Are they that qualified? Will it actually deliver all these promises? She must be new at this”.


Fact #3: Your price is a magnet.

Magnets work two ways—they attract and repel at the same time. So, the question is: who are you attracting, and who are you repelling? 💫

A lawyer who charges $10 an hour. Are you magnetized or repelled?

A massage therapist who charges $20 an hour. Are you magnetized or repelled?

A two bedroom apartment in New York City that's $800/m. Are you magnetized or repelled?


Whether you realize it or not, everyone has a “baseline” for what they think things should cost.

When you go below that baseline, people get suspicious and weirded out.

When I was apartment hunting on a few months back, I filtered my search for two bedroom apartments with a minimum rent of $1500 and a maximum of $2,000. I ALREADY KNOW anything under $1500 is going to be nasty or like, 50 feet from some railroad tracks. That's my mental baseline for “a decent apartment in Jacksonville” and I won't even look at anything under that price.

Thing is, whether your audience is conscious of this or not (they likely aren't!), they definitely have a mental baseline for “a qualified doula in X Town” and will subconsciously develop a strong negative impression of anyone who charges less than that amount.


In the end, your price is so much more than just a number...

it’s a powerful magnet that attracts or repels the clients you desire. When you align your pricing with the true beauty and value of what you offer, something magical happens: your audience feels confident, connected, and eager to invest in the transformation you provide. Don’t be afraid to own your worth and let your prices reflect that! Remember, when your price matches the value you bring, it becomes an irresistible invitation to the right people. 💖 So, let’s toss out those red flags and step into the pricing magic that aligns with your brilliance! ✨






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