How To Use a Lead Magnet To 10x Your Email List: Ultimate Guide for Doulas + Midwives!

content creation email marketing marketing sales funnels Oct 14, 2024


If you want to grow your email list, the best way to do that is with a lead magnet, AKA "freebie"! Let's start with a definition of terms: A lead magnet is a free, valuable resource that you offer in exchange for someone's contact information, typically their email address. It could be a downloadable PDF guide, video, quiz, a checklist, a free eBook, or even a mini-course. The goal is to attract and engage your ideal customers by providing something they truly need or want.

The power of a great lead magnet is undeniable. In today’s crowded digital world, people aren’t just going to hand over their email addresses without a good reason. Your lead magnet gives them that reason—it’s the hook that turns visitors into leads. (NOTE: If you don't know why it's so important to turn visitors into leads, read this blog next!) Whether you're a doula, midwife, or entrepreneur in another field, a lead magnet allows you to start building relationships with potential clients in a way that feels organic and value-driven.


Why You Need a Lead Magnet

  1. Grow Your Email List: Your email list is one of the most powerful marketing tools in your arsenal. Unlike social media platforms, which can change algorithms or restrict your reach, your email list is yours. A lead magnet helps you grow that list with people who are genuinely interested in what you offer.

  2. Build Trust and Authority: Offering a valuable lead magnet establishes you as an expert in your field. When people receive helpful, actionable content from you for free, they’re more likely to trust you and see you as an authority.

  3. Nurture Leads and Convert Them to Clients: Once someone is on your email list, you can nurture that relationship by sending them helpful information, exclusive offers, and invitations to work with you. The lead magnet is just the beginning of their journey with you; a crucial step in moving them through your sales funnel.

  4. Stand Out from the Competition: A unique and valuable lead magnet can set you apart from others in your industry. It's a way to showcase your expertise and creativity, while also giving potential clients a taste of what working with you could be like.


Examples of Lead Magnets for Doulas and Midwives

Creating a lead magnet that resonates with your target audience is essential for attracting potential clients. Here are some creative and effective lead magnet ideas specifically for birth doulas, postpartum doulas and midwives:

  1. Birth Plan Template Offer a customizable birth plan template that helps expectant parents articulate their wishes for labor and delivery. This can be a simple PDF or an interactive online form that they can fill out and save.

  2. Pregnancy Wellness Guide Create a comprehensive guide covering essential tips for a healthy pregnancy, including nutrition, exercise, and mental well-being. This can be presented as an eBook or a downloadable checklist.

  3. Newborn Care Checklist Provide a handy checklist for new parents that outlines everything they need to prepare for bringing their baby home. Include essentials like feeding schedules, diapering tips, and sleep safety practices.

  4. Postpartum Recovery Kit Develop a resource guide detailing self-care practices for postpartum recovery. This could include tips on physical healing, mental health support, and community resources available to new parents.

  5. Free Webinar on Birth Options Host a free live webinar discussing various birth options and what parents can expect. This allows you to showcase your expertise while providing valuable information that parents may be seeking.

  6. Guided Meditation for Expecting Parents Create an audio or video series of guided meditations designed to help expecting parents relax and connect with their baby. This can be a unique and comforting offering.

  7. FAQ Resource on Labor and Delivery Compile a document that answers the most common questions expecting parents have about labor and delivery. This can serve as a valuable resource and establish your authority on the topic.

  8. Interactive Pregnancy Tracker Design an interactive tool that allows expectant parents to track their pregnancy journey, including appointments, milestones, and baby’s growth. This could be an app or an online tool.

  9. Exclusive Access to a Support Group Offer free access to a private online support group for expecting parents where they can ask questions, share experiences, and connect with others in their community.

  10. Resource Library for New Parents Curate a collection of valuable resources, such as articles, videos, and infographics related to pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting. Provide access in exchange for email sign-ups.

By crafting a lead magnet that addresses the specific needs and interests of your audience, you can attract potential clients and foster deeper connections from the start. Choose an idea that aligns with your expertise and what resonates with your ideal clients to maximize engagement and conversions!


Different Formats of Lead Magnets

When creating a lead magnet, the format you choose can significantly impact its effectiveness. Try to think beyond just "PDF's". Here’s a breakdown of various lead magnet formats and their unique benefits, so you can select the one that resonates best with your audience:

  1. PDF Workbook A downloadable PDF workbook can provide a structured way for potential clients to engage with your content. You can include exercises, prompts, and resources tailored to their needs. This format is perfect for topics that require deeper exploration, such as creating a birth plan or developing a postpartum care routine.

  2. Checklist A simple yet effective format, checklists offer a quick reference for tasks or steps that your audience needs to complete. This can be particularly useful for expectant parents preparing for childbirth, helping them ensure they have everything in place for their big day.

  3. Planner A planner can help your audience organize their thoughts, tasks, or goals. For doulas and midwives, a pregnancy planner could guide parents through their journey, from appointments to milestones, providing space for notes and reflections along the way.

  4. Video Videos are highly engaging and can convey complex information in an easy-to-understand format. Consider creating short video tutorials on topics like relaxation techniques for labor or newborn care tips. This format allows you to connect with your audience on a personal level.

  5. Quiz Interactive quizzes are a fun way to engage your audience and provide personalized results. You could create a quiz to help expecting parents determine their birth style preference or identify their postpartum needs. This format encourages participation and can lead to higher engagement rates.

  6. Community Access Offering access to a private online community or support group can be an invaluable lead magnet. This format allows potential clients to connect with others who share similar experiences, fostering a sense of belonging and support. It also positions you as a facilitator of valuable connections.

  7. eBook An eBook can provide in-depth information on a particular topic. Consider writing an eBook about preparing for childbirth or navigating postpartum challenges. This format allows for detailed explanations and is easily shareable, increasing your reach.

  8. Webinar Hosting a live or recorded webinar can showcase your expertise while offering valuable information. You can cover relevant topics, answer questions in real time, and create an engaging learning experience for your audience.

  9. Audio Resource Audio resources, like podcasts or guided meditations, cater to those who prefer auditory learning. This format can be perfect for busy parents on the go, offering relaxation techniques or informative discussions that they can listen to at their convenience.

  10. Infographic Infographics are visually appealing and can simplify complex information into digestible bites. You could create an infographic outlining the stages of labor or the benefits of different birthing positions. This format is great for sharing on social media or embedding in blog posts.

Choosing the right format for your lead magnet depends on your audience's preferences and the type of content you want to share. Consider mixing and matching formats or offering multiple lead magnets in different formats to cater to various learning styles. The key is to provide genuine value that resonates with your potential clients!


Where to Put Your Lead Magnet Link So People See It

Once you have a fantastic lead magnet, the next step is making sure people can actually find it! Here are some of the best places to promote the link to your lead magnet:

1. Links in Your Bio (On Every Platform!)

Your social media bios are prime real estate for promoting your lead magnet. Whether you're on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, or TikTok, include the link to your freebie in your bio. Don't forget to update your bios across all platforms to consistently promote your lead magnet wherever your audience hangs out.

2. Email Signature

Every time you send an email is an opportunity to share your lead magnet. Add a simple call-to-action (CTA) and a link to your freebie in your email signature. This ensures that anyone who corresponds with you is aware of your valuable offer.

3. Podcast Show Notes (Or Mention as a Podcast Guest)

If you host a podcast or are invited as a guest on someone else's show, be sure to mention your lead magnet. Add the link to the show notes or verbally share it during the episode to capture the interest of listeners. It’s a great way to engage podcast audiences who may not have found you otherwise.

4. Use as a CTA After Live Videos

Doing live videos is an excellent way to connect with your audience in real-time. Whether you're going live on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, always end with a call-to-action directing viewers to your lead magnet. This can turn casual viewers into dedicated email subscribers.

5. YouTube Video Descriptions

If you create YouTube content, use the video description to promote your lead magnet. Add a quick blurb about the freebie, followed by a link to sign up. YouTube's algorithm favors content that keeps users engaged, so directing viewers to your lead magnet can help you build a loyal following.

6. Create a Post Featuring All Your Free Resources

Every few months, gather up all your free resources and create a social media post or a blog showcasing them. Pin this post to the top of your profiles, and make sure your lead magnet is prominently featured. It’s a great way to remind your followers of the valuable freebies they may have missed.

7. Add to the End of Blog Posts

Every blog post is an opportunity to promote your lead magnet. At the end of each post, add a CTA that encourages readers to grab your freebie. If your blog content is relevant and valuable, readers are more likely to take action and sign up for more from you.

8. Mention During Speaking Engagements (Virtual or In-Person)

Whenever you're given the opportunity to speak on stage, whether it's a virtual summit, a webinar, or an in-person event, give out your lead magnet as a way to provide value to your audience. Mentioning it during your talk can drive new subscribers while demonstrating your expertise.

9. Website Pop-up

Love them or hate them, pop-ups work. Add a pop-up to your website that promotes your lead magnet and encourages visitors to sign up. Just make sure the timing is right—too early and you risk annoying users, too late and they may leave without ever seeing it.

10. Pin on Pinterest (with Multiple Images)

Pinterest is a fantastic traffic source for promoting lead magnets. Create multiple pins with different images and keywords that lead back to your freebie. Change up your imagery every so often to keep it fresh and continue driving new traffic to your lead magnet.

11. Add to Your Business Cards

It may seem old-school, but business cards are still a useful tool for in-person networking. Add the link to your lead magnet on your card, making it easy for people to grab your freebie after meeting you. Just ensure the link is simple and memorable.

12. Newsletter for Re-engaging Your List

Your lead magnet isn’t just for new subscribers—it can also help re-engage your current email list. Send out your freebie as part of a newsletter campaign to remind people of the value you bring and get them excited about your content all over again.

13. Add to Your Website Resources Page

If your website has a resources or freebies page, make sure your lead magnet is front and center. It’s the perfect spot to showcase all the value you offer and encourage visitors to sign up for more.

14. Use Cover Photo Graphics on Social Media

Social media cover photos are another often-overlooked spot to promote your lead magnet. Create an eye-catching graphic with a CTA that points people to your freebie. On platforms like Facebook, you can even add a clickable link directly from your cover photo description.

15. Mention in Guest Blogs, Interviews, and TV Spots

If you’re ever featured in a guest blog, article, TV spot, or interview, take the opportunity to mention your lead magnet. Anytime you’re in front of someone else’s audience, it’s a chance to introduce them to your freebie and invite them to join your email list.


Final Thoughts

Your lead magnet is a powerful tool that can drive new subscribers, increase engagement, and build long-term relationships with your audience. The key is to strategically place it in multiple spots to maximize visibility. By using these tips, you’ll ensure that your lead magnet isn’t just sitting there gathering digital dust but is actively growing your business.


Happy lead generating!


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