The Surprising Connection Between Childhood Trauma + Entrepreneurship

entrepreneurship grit trauma Aug 27, 2024

Quote from Gabor Maté, a renowned expert on trauma and addiction: “When people experience trauma, they often seek autonomy and control over their own lives, which may explain why some turn to entrepreneurship—it gives them a sense of ownership and freedom they may have lacked in childhood.”


OK so here's a weird thing I learned this week... there's a link between childhood trauma/adversity and entrepreneurship... that highlights a remarkable way in which we can transmute pain... into power and purpose. There was a study was done in 2022 by Wei Yu, Ph.D and Professor of Industrial Systems and Management at the National University of Singapore. Basically what she discovered was a correlation between childhood trauma and entrepreneurship. The primary advantages were increased resilience, creativity and risk tolerance… all of which are incredibly valuable character traits that can help you succeed in entrepreneurship. 


Should be noted that obviously this is a double-edged sword because while some individuals may channel their shitty life experiences into entrepreneurial success and rise up... many others struggle with the long-term effects of trauma, like mental health issues or difficulties with trust and relationships. I’m no expert in trauma in an academic sense, but I had a supremely fucked up childhood and am now an entrepreneur. Here's what I know about turning pain and problems into power and purpose: 1. The mess is the message 2. The way out is through 3. Entrepreneurship can BE the pathway to your healing. 


I dug in, and here's some interesting research I found on this topic...


1. Prevalence of Childhood Trauma Among Entrepreneurs

  • A Harvard Business School study found that entrepreneurs are more likely to report childhood traumas such as parental separation or abuse compared to non-entrepreneurs. This suggests that adversity may foster resilience and risk-taking behavior, traits often associated with entrepreneurship.

  • A survey by the University of California, Berkeley's Center for Entrepreneurship revealed that 40% of the entrepreneurs studied had experienced significant traumatic events during childhood, such as the loss of a parent or poverty.

2. Resilience and Risk-Taking as Key Entrepreneurial Traits

  • Research from the Journal of Business Venturing emphasizes that individuals with childhood trauma often develop greater psychological resilience. This resilience can help them better navigate the uncertainties and risks involved in entrepreneurship.

  • Entrepreneurs who faced adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are often more comfortable with uncertainty and failure, a critical trait for thriving in high-risk environments like startups.

3. Psychological Adaptation and Motivation

  • The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study conducted by the CDC and Kaiser Permanente demonstrates that individuals who face high levels of trauma during childhood tend to exhibit stronger tendencies for independence and self-reliance. These traits are often a natural fit for entrepreneurship, where self-motivation and adaptability are key.

  • Quote from Anna S. Fisher, author and entrepreneurship researcher: “For many entrepreneurs, hardship creates a deep well of inner drive. They aren’t afraid to push boundaries because they’ve already overcome some of life’s biggest challenges.”

4. Trauma as a Catalyst for Innovation and Creativity

  • Trauma survivors often develop coping mechanisms that fuel creative problem-solving—an essential aspect of entrepreneurship. Research published in the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization found that early life stressors may boost the creativity and innovation of entrepreneurs as they learn to think outside the box to overcome difficulties.

5. Entrepreneurial Success Among Trauma Survivors

  • A study by the Kauffman Foundation revealed that individuals with traumatic experiences are often better at coping with the emotional and psychological pressures of running a business, as they are already familiar with high-stress environments.

  • Successful entrepreneurs like Howard Schultz (Starbucks) and Oprah Winfrey have publicly discussed how their difficult childhoods played a pivotal role in shaping their drive and business acumen.

6. Entrepreneurship as a Healing Mechanism

  • For many trauma survivors, entrepreneurship becomes a form of therapy or self-healing. A study in the International Small Business Journal found that entrepreneurship provides a sense of purpose and control, which can help mitigate the lingering psychological effects of trauma.

  • Peter Levine, trauma expert and author, states: "Entrepreneurs who have survived trauma often find in their work a form of healing, where the business itself becomes an outlet for self-expression and mastery."

This last one hits home for me; I've personally found this whole "business" things profoundly and deeply healing. It's shown me that I can help others in a big way and that I'm making a valuable contribution and having a positive impact on others. 


Key Statistics

  • 50% of entrepreneurs have reported having at least one adverse childhood experience (ACE), compared to about 30% of the general population .

  • Entrepreneurs are 2-3 times more likely to have faced bullying, family disruption, or financial instability during childhood than their non-entrepreneurial peers.



While childhood trauma is undoubtedly difficult, it can also shape characteristics like resilience, creativity, and risk tolerance, which are critical in the entrepreneurial journey. Many entrepreneurs use their adversity as fuel to build successful businesses and transform their lives, often finding healing in the process. I don't know about you, but becoming an entrepreneur is one of the most fun, creative, authentic, magical, deeply healing and therapeutic things I've ever done. Let's talk about this. Drop a comment below... 


Grow Toward The Light,






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