My Favorite Product for Surviving Auditory Sensitivity That Triggers Anxiety

health + wellbeing Jul 19, 2024

Hello, fellow moms who juggle both the beautiful chaos of motherhood and the wild world of entrepreneurship! If you're anything like me—a mom of three feral, farting boys who has to somehow get work done while they're performing WWE matches in the living room... you probably understand the need for a bit of peace AND QUIET. 😂


Now, if you’ve ever wondered why the world seems extra loud to you, why even the sound of a pen dropping feels like the universe is conspiring to ruin your focus, welcome to the auditory sensitivity club! You’re not alone, and I've got some tips, tricks, and stylish solutions to help you manage it without losing your cool.


What Exactly Is Auditory Sensitivity?

Auditory sensitivity (sometimes called hyperacusis) is basically when your ears are like, “EVERYTHING IS TOO FUCKING LOUD!” Sounds that most people can easily tune out (like background conversations, clanging dishes, or even, heaven forbid, a crying toddler) can become overwhelming. For entrepreneurs, especially moms, this can make focusing on work and maintaining sanity a real challenge. You can’t exactly pack up and head to a quiet retreat in the middle of the workday (though, oh boy, wouldn’t that be nice?).


Tips and Tricks to Manage Auditory Sensitivity:

  • Create a “Sound Sanctuary” – If possible, carve out a space in your home or office where the noise levels can be controlled. Noise-canceling curtains, white noise machines, or calming music can all help create a serene environment when things start to get too intense.

  • Breathe and Ground – Deep breathing exercises or short meditation breaks can help reset your nervous system when you start feeling overwhelmed by noise. Think of it as a mini Zen moment between your kids' thunderous footsteps.

  • Set Boundaries with Noise – If you have kids, setting noise boundaries is key. Create quiet times during the day (hello, naptime!) when everyone knows it’s time to use their “inside voices.” Easier said than done with three feral boys, I know, but worth a shot!


Enter Loop Earplugs: Stylish, Practical, and Total Lifesavers

I’ve had my Loop earplugs for three years now, and let me tell you, they've been a game-changer. Picture this: you’re trying to focus on an important work project, and in the background, your boys are reenacting the final battle scene from every superhero movie ever. Instead of pulling your hair out, you pop in your Loops. BLISS.


Here’s how Loop earplugs are way different from your average earplug 

  • They don’t just block noise – They reduce it in a way that still lets you hear what’s important (like your kids’ voices, if they’re saying something like, “Mom, there’s a fire!”). It’s like turning down the volume... without muting life completely.

  • They’re super comfy – Some earplugs feel like you’ve stuffed rocks in your ears. Loops? Soft, lightweight, and easy to wear all day long if needed. Honestly, the only ones that don't hurt me.

  • Stylish enough to look like jewelry – Seriously, they come in sleek designs and metallic finishes that almost look like earrings. No more hiding in shame with bright orange foam plugs; instead, you’ll feel stylish while also tuning out the world. Multi-tasking queen vibezzzz.

  • Made for everyday use – Unlike some earplugs that feel like they're meant for a construction site, Loop earplugs are designed for real life. They’re great for everything from noisy cafes to long Zoom meetings where your kids insist on screaming in the background.


My Secret Weapon: Loop and Surviving the Feral Boys

As a mom of three little chaos agents, my Loops are my secret weapon. Whether they’re bouncing off the walls or practicing their banshee screams, my Loop earplugs help me tune them out just enough to stay sane and productive. They’ve given me the mental space to stay focused on work while still being present for my kiddos. It’s like having a volume knob for life. And when I need that extra bit of quiet? Yep, in go the Loops.


Finding Your Zen Amidst the Noise

 Motherhood, entrepreneurship, and auditory sensitivity might sound like a chaotic combo, but with the right tools and mindset, you can find peace and balance. You’re allowed to prioritize your well-being, and that includes managing the noise around you. Whether it’s creating a calm space, setting noise boundaries, or treating yourself to a pair of stylish Loop earplugs (seriously, do it), take small steps toward that much-needed calm.


Do you have auditory sensitivity? Does it trigger your anxiety? Let me know I'm not alone in this! lol




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