Want More Time Freedom? Create Simple, Streamlined Systems

automation minimalism operational elegance simplicity systems Jul 29, 2024

Wanna talk dirty to me? Just say the word “SYSTEMS”. I love ‘em.


As a biz owner, you have to have them!


Without solid systems, your business is like a ball of yarn that's a big tangled chaotic mess. Whether you're running a small, intimate doula practice or you're a midwife managing a team, systems are the lifeblood that keep everything moving smoothly. What we're after here is what I call Operational Elegance. That's when everything is simple. Streamlined. Automated. Consolidated. Organized.


Ah yes, imagine untangling that big ball of yarn and wrapping it back around the spool all nice and neat. Super satisfying visualization, right?


Every business, big or small, in every industry, relies on four core systems to thrive: marketing, sales, fulfillment, and administration. Let’s break them down.


Here are the four systems that exist in every business. Big or small. All industries.


  1. Marketing System​ - The Marketing System is designed to drive new leads into your business. Lead means: potential client. You need a steady stream of them. 24/7/365.
  2. Sales System ​- The Sales System is designed to turn those leads into $ales. Real, actual paying clients.
  3. Fulfillment System​ - The Fulfillment System is designed to deliver the product (and the features of that product) that you promised during your marketing and sales systems.
  4. Administration System​ - The Administration System is designed to allow the other three systems to operate as efficiently as possible. This is all the back office/admin stuff. SOP's, KPI's, OKR's. 


All of your business efforts fall into one of these four systems.


One mistake new and even seasoned entrepreneurs make, is that they focus too heavily on their marketing system and neglect the other ones completely.


And to top it all off, their marketing system is broken/inefficient.


In short; they have a bunch of broken and/or non-existent business systems.


One of my areas of expertise is helping doulas and midwives create and optimize their systems, so they can become supernaturally efficient. 


Supernatural efficiency and operational elegance give you what you want most: TIME FREEDOM.


Businesses are BUILT on systems and having them in place is non-negotiable.


Now that we've uncovered the magic of business systems, it’s time to reflect on where yours stand. Is your marketing system bringing in leads like clockwork? Are your sales and fulfillment systems converting those leads and delivering on your promises seamlessly? Or does your admin system need a little TLC? Systems aren’t just for keeping things in order; they’re for scaling, growing, and simplifying your business so you can focus on your passion. Let’s take your systems to the next level together! Comment below and let me know: which system is running like a dream, and which one could use some extra attention?




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A world class marketing mastermind + university level online business course for advanced entrepreneurs who're ready for a CEO glow up and premium uplevel. "Basically Hogwarts for Doulas, except this is where you go to learn business magic."  - LaTonya Richards


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