The 4 Sacred Systems You Need To Build a World Class Business

systems Aug 11, 2024

The recipe for a THRIVING doula business is so simple. Just like the recipe for sweet tea is simple! If you want to make sweet tea, you only need 4 things: Tea leaves, water, sugar, and a pot to put it all in.


As simple as this recipe is, each ingredient is VITALLY important! Leave out any individual ingredient and you'll end up with…. I don't even know what. But it won't work, that's for sure! Go ahead, try to make me some sweet tea without one of those ingredients. 🤣

It's the exact same thing with your doula business.


For a business that gives you loads of emotional, time, lifestyle and financial freedom, you only need four ingredients.


Do you know what they are?


Each of these four things are vitally important. Leave any one of them out, and your business just won't work.


I call these 4 ingredients “Sacred Systems”.


Without _______ (sacred system #1)


  • You CAN NOT create a world-class, five-star business (or reach your full potential as an entrepreneur)

  • You can’t create an Irresistible Premium Offer

  • You can’t create a magnetic marketing strategy

  • You can’t create an iconic brand that speaks to the hearts and souls of your ideal clients

  • Creating marketing content is HARD ASS WORK because you don't know specifically who to talk to or what they want to hear about

  • Consultations rarely lead to clients because the WRONG people are sitting across the table. This is why you hear "I can't afford it", “What do you do, again?” and "I need a discount" over and over

  • You end up working with pain-in-the-ass clients who don’t value the power, magic and beauty of what you do and who you are. They don’t show up, take action, do the work, or take responsibility for their results

  • This first sacred system is the absolute epicenter of your entire enterprise; the beating HEART of your business! Without this foundation, nothing else will work.



Without _______ (sacred system #2)


  • You end up with a factory issue, run-of-the-mill, vague, generic, boring, one-size-fits-all all “doula package”. Your doula package is for "everyone" AKA "NO ONE". No one hates it, but no one absolutely loves it, either!

  • Your offer doesn't even excite you, so it’s hard as hell to sell. NOTE: If the thing you create doesn’t make your nipples hard and doesn't make you wanna jump out of bed in the morning, your business is doomed

  • Even the best marketing strategy in the world can’t help you. Without ____ you can create expert marketing content every second of every day and STILL not get any clients.

  • You could price your doula package at $500 (or offer it for free) and no one would buy it

  • You end up bringing something to market that’s a clone or carbon copy of what everyone else is doing; this makes it impossible to stand out from the noise



Without _______ (sacred system #3)


  • Your only option is to create a high volume of social media content, constantly. Because you have to create such a high volume of content constantly, it ends up being low quality. Basically, you’re stuck on the social media hamster wheel creating mediocre content that gets you zero results.

  • You can’t drive traffic to your website (which is the whole point, right?!)

  • No one can find you in the Google search results (b/c you’re on page 30)

  • ​​It’s hard to get people to know, like and trust you, or for them to see you as an expert who can get them results (which is the WHOLE purpose of marketing)

  • You never be able to command premium prices

  • It’s hard to PROVE to people you actually know your shit, or for them to see you as an expert capable of helping them get the results that they want



Without _______ (sacred system #4)


  • You can't step away from your business or be away from "The Screens" or log out of social media for one second, b/c if you do, your business will come to a screeching halt. Your business only works if you show up. It can’t work without your presence, input or energy.

  • You’re always riding the revenue rollercoaster and using the “hope and pray” (fingers crossed!) approach b/c there’s no SYSTEM for client attraction. Your client load is completely unpredictable and based largely on “luck”

  • Instead of spending your time in your zone of genius and joy, which is supporting clients, you’re spending time in your zone of dread, which is trying to GET clients



Without _________ (this is the GOLDEN KEY that optimizes ALL the other systems!) 


  • You’ll suffer from analysis paralysis and chronic decision fatigue (frozen in inaction, building your business at a snail's pace)

  • You’re disorganized, confused, and not clear on what to do, when, or how to get the results that you want

  • You’ll spend your life “planning” to do things and trying to “figure out” how to do things... instead of ACTUALLY doing things; things that WOULD create massive results if you ever got around to them!

  • You’re working a 50-hour workweek, when you could EASILY be working a 20 hour work week


If you want to know what these 4 sacred systems are, join me inside Doula Biz From Scratch today!



Join Doula Biz From Scratch 

A world class marketing mastermind + university level online business course for advanced entrepreneurs who're ready for a CEO glow up and premium uplevel. "Basically Hogwarts for Doulas, except this is where you go to learn business magic."  - LaTonya Richards


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