The Holy Grail of Business: Know Thy Customer

business 101 customers/clients psychographics Sep 26, 2024

Here's what will really, truly ACTUALLY make that needle MOVE in your business.


Nope, it’s not MARKETING, some new TECH or app, software, system.. Although you KNOW I’m all about that stuff.


But what will get you real results, real fast is way more basic than that. It's literally Business 101.


And here it is, babes, tattoo it on your forehead....


The needle mover is: A very deep and intimate understanding of your target audience's psychographics.


In other words, understanding that your audience/target market/potential clients/followers are real, living, breathing human beings…


They have heartbeats.


And stressors.












Fears, hopes and dreams.






Because if you don’t, your business is DOA.


All too often, when it comes to "understanding your target market" business owners think that means demographics (age, income level, ethnicity, level of education). But PSYCHOGRAPHICS are even more important. This means knowing your audience on a soul level.


  • Demographics = who they are

  • Psychographics = why they buy


So, what keeps them up at night?


What story are they telling themselves?


What transformation are they seeking?


Write it down now.


Because when you speak to THOSE points in your marketing content… they'll throw cash in your face.


When you create a product with THIS in mind, you'll have people lined up around the block.


You gotta go effin' deep.


Today, I need you to get very…. curious.


Curious about the people you say you want to help.


Curious about what they need and want.


What they desperately need help with.


What you can do to make their life better, easier, less painful.


When you truly, intimately understand "WHO" then you'll be able to create a five-star, world-class, solutions-based product that people will WANT to pay premium prices for.


When you truly understand "WHO", then you'll be able to easily and effortlessly craft marketing content that captivates and converts.


"WHO?" is one of the most critical and foundational questions of business.


This is 100% the difference between "no one buys what I'm selling" and "I NEED TO HIRE A TEAM BECAUSE I CAN'T HANDLE ALL THESE CLIENTS BY MYSELF".


Drop a comment and LMK what you think!







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A world class marketing mastermind + university level online business course for advanced entrepreneurs who're ready for a CEO glow up and premium uplevel. "Basically Hogwarts for Doulas, except this is where you go to learn business magic."  - LaTonya Richards


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