How To Use Chat GPT for Blogging: The Ultimate Guide for Doulas + Midwives

artificial intelligence blogging content creation longform content marketing Jul 20, 2024



As a doula or midwife, your days are filled with supporting families, empowering parents, and—let’s be honest—probably fielding a few late-night texts. With all that going on, where’s the time to sit down and write a blog? But let’s face it, sharing your knowledge online is one of the best ways to connect with your community and grow your practice.

Enter ChatGPT, your new blog-writing BFF. Think of it as the co-pilot for your writing journey, ready to help you go from “I have no idea what to write” to “Whoa, I just published a killer blog post!” in record time.

Let’s dig into how ChatGPT can save you time, add value to your readers, and keep your blog game strong—even on the busiest days.


How ChatGPT Helps You Write More Blogs in Less Time

ChatGPT can help at every stage of your blogging process—from brainstorming fresh ideas to wrapping up a beautiful conclusion. With a little help from AI, you can create high-quality content without sacrificing your precious time (or sanity).

1. Brainstorming Blog Topics

Coming up with new blog ideas can feel like trying to think of baby names—exciting at first, but after a while, you start grasping at straws. ChatGPT can generate ideas for you, and you can skip the mental gymnastics.

Example Prompt:

“ChatGPT, I’m a midwife who specializes in home births. Give me 10 blog topic ideas for expectant mothers curious about natural birthing.”

2. Creating Blog Outlines

Every good blog needs structure, just like a good birth plan. ChatGPT can create an outline for you, so you won’t find yourself wandering off-topic or getting stuck mid-paragraph.

Example Prompt:

“Create an outline for a blog post titled ‘What to Expect During Your First Prenatal Visit with a Midwife.’”

3. Writing Intros and Conclusions

ChatGPT can craft intros that draw readers in and conclusions that leave them inspired (and maybe reaching out to book a consultation with you).

Example Prompt:

“Write an introduction for a blog post about the benefits of hiring a doula for postpartum support.”

Example Prompt:

“Help me write a conclusion for a blog on preparing for a natural birth at home.”

4. Filling in the Gaps

Sometimes you’ve got the bones of your blog but need help fleshing it out. ChatGPT is here to help add those important pieces.

Example Prompt:

“I’ve written a blog about creating a birth plan but need more details on the role of a doula during labor. Can you help me add that section?”

5. Improving Clarity and Flow

Have you ever read through something you wrote and thought, “Wow, this is like trying to explain dilation to a first-time dad”? ChatGPT can help make your writing smoother, clearer, and a little less…clinical.

Example Prompt:

“Rewrite this paragraph about breastfeeding benefits to make it clearer and more compassionate.”

6. Adjusting Tone and Style

Your voice matters in your blog, whether it’s warm, empowering, or like the comforting voice of someone who’s done this a thousand times (because you have!). ChatGPT can tweak the tone to fit your style perfectly.

Example Prompt:

“Edit this blog draft to have a calming and reassuring tone, as I’m speaking directly to expectant parents.”

7. Providing Research and Facts

Need some hard data to back up your post? ChatGPT can’t give you real-time info, but it’s great at suggesting what to include and helping you structure research so it’s easy to digest (even when your readers are in their third trimester).

Example Prompt:

“Outline the key benefits of skin-to-skin contact after birth and suggest a few sources for further reading.”

8. Crafting Calls to Action (CTAs)

A blog without a call to action is like a birth plan without snacks—just not as effective. ChatGPT can help you create CTAs that gently nudge your readers to take that next step, whether it’s booking a consultation or signing up for your childbirth class.

Example Prompt:

“Write a call to action encouraging readers to book a consultation with me for personalized birth planning.”


20 Specific Prompts to Help You Write Blogs Faster with ChatGPT

Here are 20 prompts to get you started on your next blog post:

  1. "Give me 5 blog topics about the benefits of water births for first-time mothers."
  2. "Create a blog outline on how to create a personalized birth plan."
  3. "Write an introduction for a blog post about the role of a doula during labor and delivery."
  4. "Help me explain the differences between midwife-led care and OB-GYN care for expectant parents."
  5. "Write a conclusion that encourages readers to explore the benefits of home birth."
  6. "Expand on the importance of postpartum care in a blog about supporting new moms after birth."
  7. "Rewrite this section to make it more empathetic and supportive."
  8. "Make this blog sound more nurturing while maintaining a professional tone."
  9. "Help me simplify medical terminology for a blog aimed at expectant parents considering a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean)."
  10. "Suggest relevant quotes or testimonials for a blog post on empowering birth experiences."
  11. "How can I emphasize the emotional support a doula provides in a blog about pregnancy loss?"
  12. "Write a persuasive paragraph on why families should consider hiring a postpartum doula."
  13. "Create a list of FAQs to include at the end of a blog about choosing the right birth setting."
  14. "Suggest a compelling title for a blog about breastfeeding support and education."
  15. "Provide insights on the benefits of prenatal yoga for a blog aimed at expectant mothers."
  16. "Generate an analogy to explain the importance of having a birth team."
  17. "Write a short case study highlighting a successful home birth with doula support."
  18. "Turn this blog post into two Instagram captions promoting my childbirth education services."
  19. "Suggest ways to make this blog more SEO-friendly by incorporating keywords related to natural birth."
  20. "Write an outro that encourages readers to sign up for my prenatal care workshops."


Other Ways ChatGPT Can Assist with Blogging

Beyond just writing blog content, ChatGPT can make your life easier in other ways too (it’s like having the perfect assistant who never needs a lunch break).

1. SEO Optimization

Want your blogs to reach more parents and families? ChatGPT can suggest SEO-friendly keywords and help structure your blog to rank higher in search results.

Example Prompt:

“Help me optimize this blog post with SEO keywords for doulas offering postpartum support.”

2. Headline Creation

Catchy headlines are like a good birth partner—there when you need them. ChatGPT can generate multiple headline options so you don’t have to stress over finding the perfect one.

Example Prompt:

“Generate 5 catchy headlines for a blog about preparing for a home birth.”

3. Content Repurposing

If you’ve got a blog that performed well, ChatGPT can help you turn that content into new formats—social media posts, newsletters, or even handouts for clients.

Example Prompt:

“Repurpose this blog post about the postpartum period into two email newsletters.”

4. Content Planning

ChatGPT can assist in planning a consistent blog schedule, so you never run out of fresh content ideas (and can always keep your community engaged).

Example Prompt:

“Help me plan a 6-month blog content calendar for my doula website, focusing on prenatal care, birth, and postpartum support.”

5. Audience Engagement

Want to make your blog more interactive? ChatGPT can suggest ideas to keep readers engaged, like polls or Q&A sections that invite them to participate.

Example Prompt:

“Suggest interactive elements I can add to a blog about how to choose the right doula.”


Common Mistakes People Make When Using ChatGPT for Blogging

While ChatGPT is a fantastic tool, there are a few common mistakes that can hold you back from getting the most out of it. One big issue? Not knowing who your target audience is. If you’re writing a blog for new moms but the language sounds like it’s geared toward doctors or medical professionals, your message won’t resonate. Another common mistake is using prompts that sound robotic or generic, which can lead to a blog that reads like it was written by a machine, not a real person. The key to a great blog is making sure it sounds like you—your authentic voice is what draws clients in and builds trust. Be specific in your prompts, ask ChatGPT to mimic the tone you’d use in a conversation, and remember to infuse your personality into the content. That’s what will make your blog stand out and truly connect with your readers.


Final Thoughts...

As a doula or midwife, your time is precious, and your clients come first. ChatGPT is like your blog-writing sidekick, helping you share your expertise, grow your business, and keep your content flowing. With this tool at your side, you can confidently build your online presence, educate your community, and still have time for the occasional nap.


Happy blogging!



PS: ChatGPT isn't the only AI tool that can help you write amazing blogs. Here are 5 other super cool AI tools to help you with blogging and content creation!

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