This Powerful Marketing Psychology Hack DOUBLES Sales

copywriting marketing psychology Oct 12, 2024

I’m obsessed with marketing—especially marketing psychology—so I wanted to shoot a little tip your way.

There’s a principle called the Framing Effect, and it shows that people tend to gravitate towards options that are positioned positively and safely... rather than negatively and fearfully.

A classic example of the Framing Effect is the “Beef Experiment” conducted by Levin & Gaeth in 1988.

They put out the exact same cut of beef... but with two different labels on the packaging.

• One read: 25% fat

• The other read: 75% lean

The beef marketed as 75% lean won way higher ratings than the other beef.

Not because they tasted different—they were exactly the same!! ... just positioned differently. One packaging focused on the fat content while the other package focuses on the non-fat content. Exact same fat content, obviously... but the words you use matter SO much.

Another example is a study where patients were given two descriptions of a surgical procedure. One description stated that 90% of people survive the procedure, while the other stated that 10% of people don't survive. Despite both statements conveying the same information, the "90% survival rate" frame was MUCH more reassuring (and positive) to patients.

It’s these small intentional positioning tweaks that make ALL of the difference in your marketing.

Words are so powerful!

Now, if you’re thinking: “Melynda, how the heck do I apply this to my DOULA BUSINESS!?!”

Then here’s a beautiful example of what I mean:

  • On your website, instead of mentioning how hiring a Doula reduces your risk of a cesarean, talk about how it INCREASES the rate of vaginal birth.
  • Instead of talking about how hiring a Doula reduces your risk of induction, talk about how it INCREASES the chance of labor beginning naturally.
  • Instead of focusing on how a doula reduces your risk of birth trauma, focus on how it's been proven to INCREASE birth safety and satisfaction.
  • Instead of focusing on the pitfalls of the medical-industrial complex, focus on the wonders of the birthing body, the body's innate wisdom, and how wonderful the midwifery model of care is.

Words are powerful, and we’re casting spells with our words all day every day.

Be conscious of your language and be sure to focus on what your clients WANT/DESIRE … Not what they DON’T want.

Remember, whatever you focus on, multiplies.

This is a timeless spiritual and mental principle, not to mention dang good copywriting and marketing advice.

You want your customers to feel joyful, elevated, and confident when they read your website words and marketing content, not scared, guilty, ashamed, or insecure.

People only buy from people they KLT (know, like, and trust) and it's hard to get people to KLT you if you make them feel like poo, or play on their fears and insecurities.

Not only is focusing on their ideal future, and their dreams, hopes, and goals really kind (and good karma!), but it’s been proven to improve sales and increase trust.




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