Why You're Afraid to Talk About Your Offer/Biz (+ 12 DEEP Journal Prompts!)

journal prompts mindset Sep 26, 2024

What's holding you back from talking about your amazing, life-changing, transformational product or service…. 24/7/365?

Are you joyfully telling the world what you do/how you can help them and what you offer 24/7… or are you keeping it a secret?


  1. Are you holding back from talking about your offer… because your offer doesn’t turn you on/ doesn’t inspire you? This can happen if your offer is generic, boring or vague. People naturally love (and easily talk about) the things that turn them on. If your offer doesn't give you WAP, it'll be nearly impossible for you to talk about it… and therefore sell it.

  2. Are you holding back because it feels awkward/sales-y?

  3. Maybe deep down you're worried that people will think you're a douchebag for talking about your offer all the time?

  4. Are you holding back because you simply… don't know what to say?

  5. Are you holding back because your offer/sales page/website isn't finished or “perfect” yet?

  6. Are you holding back because you honestly just forget to post; maybe you don't have a system or a schedule for consistent content creation and posting?

  7. Because you’re afraid if you mention it again, you’ll be bothering people or annoying them?

  8. Maybe deep down, you really don’t want to sell it because you’ve stuffed it so full of features that the idea of having to actually show up and provide all those deliverables fills you with dread?

  9. Maybe on some level, you know you’ve priced it too low… and that you’d be working your fingers to the bone for next to nothing?

  10. Maybe deep down, this isn’t really, truly what you want to be doing with your life? You have an offer you’re trying to force yourself to like, instead of something that organically puts you in your zone of joy and zone of genius. Maybe you're trying to FORCE yourself to be a birth doula, when you know you're really meant to be a childbirth educator (or vice versa).

  11. Maybe deep down, you know that the way your offer is structured IS NOT facilitating your ideal lifestyle. Example: You're on call 24/7/365 when you REALLY want to have passive income/ a virtual service and a WFA (work from anywhere) lifestyle.

  12. Maybe you have NO IDEA why you can't talk about your thing… maybe it's just some weird mysterious block you have and you can't quite put your finger on it??


Comment below and let me know which of the above applies to you. I know that takes some vulnerability... so thank you in advance for being brave. I love you.





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