4 Journal Prompts to Help You "Niche Down" + Identify Your Most Soul Aligned Clients

journal prompts target market/ideal clients Oct 15, 2024

I created a little mini journaling exercise for doulas and midwives. 

This is designed to help you “niche down”… but not in the conventional way, or for the usual reasons.

The purpose of niching down (in my mind) is simply to determine who you have a particular GENIUS for serving.

There are people on this planet, that you understand better than anyone else does. You understand their dreams, hopes and goals, their worries, concerns and challenges.

You know their darkest fears and secret longings. You understand the transformation they’re seeking.

Heck, maybe you were them! It’s not uncommon for your ideal client to be someone similar to you.

When you know who those people are and you call them in, they will get infinitely better results from working with YOU as opposed to someone else in your industry.

Niching down benefits the customer. End of story. This should be all the motivation you need!

The secondary benefit... is it benefits you. Client interactions feel more easeful, authentic, joyful and playful.

Go find a quiet place and turn this into a ritual. Be as detailed as possible with your answers. Go with your intuition and instinct. This is a good time for a stream of consciousness free writing. Don’t edit judge criticize or hold back. Just let it flow.


4 Journal Prompts to Help You "Niche Down" + Identify Your Most Soul Aligned Clients


1.) Based on my knowledge, skillset and personal experiences, I would be ill equipped to support someone who is ____ and desires _____.


2.) Based on my knowledge, skillset and personal experiences, I’d be able to provide an acceptable level of support someone who is ___ and desires ____.


3.) Based on my knowledge, skillset and personal experiences, I’ll be able to provide an exceptional level of support to someone who is ____ and desires ______.


4.) Based on my knowledge, skillset and personal experience I would be able to work in my zone of genius and zone of joy and provide an exceptional level of compassionate, expert support to someone who is ____ and desires ____.


Whatever answer you come up with for number 4... tailor your product/service to them, specifically. Create content for them, specifically. See them in your minds eye, hold them in your heart. These are the people whose lives you can truly transform, and who will most benefit from working with you. When you redesign, re-invent and re-engineer your business to cater to these people... you'll reach an incredible new level of abundance, ease and alignment in your doula or midwifery business. 


Comment below and let me know what insights you gained. I can't wait to hear from you!




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