☠️ The ONLY 2 Options: Innovate or Die (+ 6 Journal Prompts)

creativity journal prompts mindset Sep 29, 2024

Business growth is an exciting, ongoing adventure—nothing stays the same for long! 


It’s not like you just choose a target market, create a product, set a price, and voilà, you’re done forever. Oh no, my friend, the magic happens when things are constantly EVOLVING; getting smoother, more creative, and more aligned. ✨ 


In fact, if things aren't constantly evolving, getting better, more streamlined, more relevant to the needs and wants of your ever changing target market...


then you're screwed.


Businesses that don't continually innovate, die.


EEk. I know that's a bold statement but its true nonetheless. 


BEHOLD: Blockbuster.


They company that died because it was replaced by something infinitely cooler (Netflix). 


Are you continually adapting, improvising, evolving, shapeshifting, etc. with ease and grace? Like a boxer dodging punches?


"Be water, my friend", Bruce Lee said.


Flow. Adapt. Move around the obstacle. Be loose. Shift.




More quickly than the other guy does. In the Bruce Lee sense, you need to move more quickly than you opponent. In the business sense, it means move more quickly than your competitors. 


Is your business water?


Does it flow and adapt and shapeshift?


Or is it like a big, heavy-ass cinder block; stagnant, stuck, heavy, fixed, inert?


TL;DR: Businesses that don't evolve and adapt to their ever-changing market get left behind and replaced. 


Questions to ask right now (and regularly) 

  1. Is your pricing keep up with inflation?
  2. Is your product still relevant to your market? As market needs change, so should the product you're offering, and the features it includes. Market needs are always changing, so guess what that means!
  3. Are your business goals still supporting your Ultimate Life Vision? As your life evolves and your life goals change, so must your business, because your business exists to uphold and facilitate your Ideal Lifestyle.
  4. Is your target market still your target market? Why or why not? Maybe there's another group of folks you'd be better suited to serve, now that you've grown and expanded and added to your skillset and toolbox.
  5. Is your business allowing you to be creative, playful, joyful, expansive? Does it still turn you on? Are you living and working at your creative edge? Why or why not?
  6. Did you meet the business goals you set for yourself last year? If so, then what new milestone are you after? If you didn't meet last years goals, what needs to be improved?


“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” —Steve Jobs 








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A world class marketing mastermind + university level online business course for advanced entrepreneurs who're ready for a CEO glow up and premium uplevel. "Basically Hogwarts for Doulas, except this is where you go to learn business magic."  - LaTonya Richards


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