🩸 Syncing Your Business Strategy With Your Moon Cycle 🌑

health + wellbeing Sep 25, 2024

Let’s talk about marketing/business in relation to your moon cycle. If you’re anything like me, your energy, creativity, and motivation fluctuate throughout the month... and so should your business strategy! 💗


I mean, I don't know about you, but when I’m ovulating…💦 you can catch me doing public speaking engagements, live webinars, random Facebook lives, showing up boldly, powerfully serving my audience. My energy is wild and expansive. I’m productive and in charge. Big boss energy. This is when I'm on FIRE. Extroverted.


*Side note, this is "usually" the best time to do a branding photo shoot! Your radiant boss bitch energy will flow right outta those picture!


But, right before and during my moon time, it's a totally different story…. Marketing = just blogs and email. Because I’m laying in bed and I don’t want to talk to anybody. My energy is low and calm but I’m wildly creative (hence the desire to write) and internalizing everything. Give me a heating blanket and my tarot cards, ok. Then go away. 


The idea here is to fit your marketing, and business in general, around your cycle, instead of trying to force and override it.


The idea here is to be in flow.... with ya flow.


Like, no way in hell am I going to do a live event three days before my period. I’m so sensitive and tired end that’s not a time for me to perform and entertain people.


Check your moon cycle before you go scheduling and planning big business things. 


In addition to my monthly cycle, I also have a daily cycle / ebb and flow.


For example, first thing in the morning I’m in ultimate Creatrix mode, this is the perfect time for me to create content because I’m bubbling over with ideas. It’s 8 AM, I’m driving the kids to school, and I have to use my voice notes app to record all of the incredible fucking thoughts zooming through my mind at 1,000,000 mph.


I call these hours the golden hours. I don’t waste these golden hours in the morning checking email, doing consultations, doing administrative tasks. No! This is absolute creation mode where I get my thoughts and ideas out into the world. I don’t want to waste this precious time on mundane admin tasks. This is when I write, daydream, create, manifest. Probably 95% of marketing content and course content came from this early morning "creator mode".


I'm in creator mode from about 6am-11am.


“Creator” mode naturally wanes as the day goes on and that’s why I intentionally enter into “Manager” mode during the latter half of the day. Update the SEO settings on my website. Metrics. Analytics. All the linear, numerical, spreadsheet stuff.


Your Creator/Manager mode or moon cycle energies may be different from mine, or happen at the opposite time of day/month. Everyone is so unique. 


If you don't understand how to manage your personal energy cycles… life and business and marketing will feel like walking through mud with cinder blocks tied to your feet.


But when you get it RIGHT, it’ll feel like flying through a clear blue summer sky.


So, what are your golden hours, weeks, and months? Write them down, maximize this time. How would they be best utilized? 

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A world class marketing mastermind + university level online business course for advanced entrepreneurs who're ready for a CEO glow up and premium uplevel. "Basically Hogwarts for Doulas, except this is where you go to learn business magic."  - LaTonya Richards


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