Email Marketing Still Slays EVERY Other Type of Marketing (HERE'S WHY!)

content creation email marketing favorite products longform content marketing tech tools + software Oct 11, 2024

Sure, social media is flashy, fun, and easy to use, but let’s be real – it’s not exactly a reliable or evidence-based way to create loyal customers, build a business, or grow that revenue you’ve been dreaming of. Year after year, email swoops in like a marketing superhero and grabs the gold medal. It’s the cornerstone of pretty much every successful business out there, consistently outshining all other digital marketing channels. (Yes, including social media!) So, let’s dive into why email marketing wears the crown and why it should be front and center in your marketing game plan.


Here's Why Relying on Social Media Alone is Risky Business

Going all-in on social media for your marketing efforts might seem appealing, but it’s a strategy that can seriously backfire for your doula business. Here’s why:

  • Platform Dependency: Social media algorithms change all. the. time. And guess what? When they do, your visibility goes out the window. Suddenly, no one’s seeing your posts. But email? It’s immune to these algorithm rollercoasters. Email marketing puts you in control.
  • Visibility Reality Check: Only 2-5% of your social media followers actually see your posts. Depressing, right? Meanwhile, with email, you’re looking at 20-50% of your subscribers opening those beautiful messages you crafted. My current open rate? A proud 49%!
  • Creativity Limits: Social media platforms dictate how your content looks and behaves, sticking you with rules, guidelines, and limitations. Email marketing, on the other hand, lets you be your own boss. You get to say what you want, how you want – no fear of shadowbans or account restrictions, which is a huge plus for doulas, midwives, and reproductive justice advocates who often deal with sensitive topics and images. 
  • Shallow Engagement: Let’s face it – social media interactions are mostly drive-by “likes” and “scrolls.” It’s tough to grab attention and even tougher to keep it. Email allows you to build deeper connections with your audience, free from the constant distraction of endless posts.
  • The Content Hamster Wheel: Social media posts have a shelf life of just a few hours before they’re buried in the feed. With email, you’re creating evergreen assets. Case in point: I wrote an email series two years ago that still automatically nurtures new subscribers with 40 high-value emails over time – twice a week – without me lifting a finger!


5 Reasons Why Email Marketing is the Queen Bee of Marketing

So, why does email marketing reign supreme? Here’s why:

  1. Direct and Personal: Email lets you speak directly to your audience, offering tailored content based on their interests. It’s like having a one-on-one chat with every subscriber.
  2. Better Conversion Rates: People on your email list are there because they want to be. They’re interested in what you offer, which makes them far more likely to convert into paying customers than random social media followers. Social likes are easy – but an email opt-in? That’s a commitment!
  3. Data Ownership: With email marketing, you own your list. No one can take it away, and it’s one of the most valuable assets your business can have. You control the conversation, nurture relationships, and market whenever you want – no platform permission needed.
  4. Cha-Ching!: Want more revenue? Email marketing delivers. Studies show that for every dollar spent, email marketing returns an average of $44. That’s the highest ROI of any marketing channel. Your bank account will thank you.
  5. Automation and Analytics: Email platforms allow you to automate like a pro, freeing up your time while still delivering consistent value. Plus, you get detailed insights into your audience’s behavior, letting you tweak your strategy for maximum impact.


While social media certainly has a role to play, email marketing is the rock-solid foundation your business needs to thrive. It’s reliable, efficient, and cost-effective – the perfect combo to showcase your expertise, boost revenue, and build lasting relationships with your clients.


For email marketing, I swear by Flodesk. Not only are their templates absolutely stunning, but they’re also a woman-owned and operated company. What’s not to love? Get 50% off Flodesk here!


Got questions? Drop me a comment below, and I’ll get back to you ASAP!


Cheers to growing your business the smart way! 🌟




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