How to Create an Instagram $ales Funnel with ManyChat (Step By Step Tutorial!)

automation marketing sales funnels social media tech tools + software Oct 10, 2024

If you're READY to get actual clients and make money from all those Instagram posts your cranking out... you're going to love this blog!


OK, first let's state the facts... you can post on IG for years and never see any kind of return on investment. Like pissin' in the wind, as my dear old grandpa used to say. ๐Ÿ˜‚


Turning those likes, comments, and DMs into actual sales can feel like trying to herd cats! That’s where ManyChat swoops in like your business’s smart superhero sidekick. ๐Ÿฆธ‍โ™‚๏ธ


You've probably used ManyChat before without even knowing it. Ever heard an IG influencer say “comment below with *INSERT WORD HERE* and I'll send you (this cool thing)?


So, you commented with the word and POOF; a link magically and immediately appeared in your IG messages. Ever wondered how people do that? They're definitely not doing that manually. There aren't enough hours in the day!


SECRET EXPOSED: They did it with ManyChat!

ManyChat isn’t just a chatbot that messages people—it’s like a friendly, super smart, 24./7/365 robot assistant that helps you get sales while you sleep. I’m not kidding! If you’re tired of juggling everything on Instagram yourself, ManyChat will quickly become your new IG BFF.

Let me show you why this tool is a game-changer and how it can help turn your followers into happy, paying customers faster than you can say, “Link in bio!”


So, What Exactly Is ManyChat? ๐Ÿค”

ManyChat is a magical chat marketing platform that automates all those Instagram convos you’d normally spend hours responding to. It’s not just for Instagram—ManyChat can also be your go-to for Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and SMS. Basically, it’s like having a personal assistant who handles all your chats without needing a coffee break. And… 10x cheaper than an assistant, too.

Imagine this: instead of manually replying to every single comment or DM, ManyChat swoops in and handles the job for you. It’s like having a conversation with a friend, but automated! The bot will chat, collect leads, and close sales while you’re off doing the things that matter—like hanging out with your kids or your honey bunny or spending time with your clients.


Why You NEED ManyChat If You’re Marketing on Instagram

Let’s be real for a sec—Instagram is a fabulous platform for sharing your brand with the world. But when it comes to actually turning those double-taps into cold, hard cash, things get a little tricky. ManyChat is here to solve that problem.

Here’s how this super tool can help you blow your Instagram sales out of the water:

1. Automated Conversations: ManyChat is like the Energizer Bunny of Instagram—it’s ALWAYS ready to engage with your followers, even at 2 a.m. When someone comments on your post or DMs you, ManyChat slides in to take over. No more fumbling through dozens of DMs! It responds immediately and can guide your customer right to the checkout page. ๐Ÿ›’๐Ÿ’จ

2. Lead Generation on Autopilot: ManyChat is a lead-generating machine. You can set it up to capture email addresses or phone numbers in exchange for special deals or exclusive content. Your email list will grow faster than a your last clients precipitous birth. For you birth pros who are leveraging email marketing, ManyChat is SUPREMEEEE for lead gen!

3. Personalized Sales Funnels: Everyone likes to feel special, right? With ManyChat, each customer gets a VIP experience tailored just for them. Whether they’re asking about a product, looking for a discount, or just want some love from your brand, ManyChat’s got them covered. Think of it like a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book, but for sales funnels. ๐Ÿ“šโœจ

4. More Sales, Less Work: Let’s talk numbers. Businesses using chat marketing can see a 10x higher conversion rate compared to traditional email campaigns or social media posts. Yes, you read that right—10x! With ManyChat working behind the scenes, you’ll be raking in sales while you’re out grabbing coffee. โ˜• Or, a high content locally brewed IPA. ๐Ÿบ Whatever floats your boat, bebe!


A Fun Example: How ManyChat Can Work for You

Let’s say you sell hand dyed, one of a kind Bengkung belly binds. When someone comments, “I NEED one, ASAP!” ManyChat can instantly and automatically DM them with a link to your store. Boom—no waiting around for you to manually repond! Because, like, what if it's 3am or you're in the grocery store?

If they respond, ManyChat can sweeten the deal with a discount code or even ask for their email to send exclusive updates. All of this happens seamlessly while you’re busy doing other things—like recovering from your last doula all nighter. ๐ŸŽ‰

ManyChat users typically see 30-50% open rates on messages (crazy, I know!), and engagement rates can go up by 400-800%. It's basically like rocket fuel for your Instagram marketing. ๐Ÿš€


Easy-Peasy Tutorial: How to Set Up a Basic ManyChat Funnel

Alright, enough talking! Let’s dive into setting up your own magical ManyChat funnel. It’s so simple, you’ll feel like a tech wizard by the end of this….

Step 1: Sign Up for ManyChat:

First things first, head on over to the ManyChat website and sign up for your free trial. It’s time to unlock the future of Instagram marketing!


Step 2: Create Your First Automated Message

1. In your ManyChat dashboard, click on **Instagram** as your chosen channel. (We’re focusing on IG here)

2. Now, go to **Automation** and select **New Flow**.

3. Name it something like “Welcome Message,” because you’re polite and friendly like that. ๐Ÿ™‚

4. Craft a message that’s warm and engaging, like: “Hey there! Thanks for sliding into my DMs! How can I assist you today?”


Step 3: Add Keywords and Set Triggers

1. Head over to **Triggers** and pick a trigger like **Comment Growth Tool**.

2. Set up keywords (like “more info” or “shop now”) that will automatically kick off a conversation when someone types them in a comment or DM.

3. Add more personalized responses to guide them through the sales process. You can answer FAQs, recommend products, or even sneak in a promo code. ๐ŸŽ


Step 4: Capture Those Valuable Emails

1. Ask your follower if they want to stay in the loop with your latest offers.

2. Prompt them to drop their email in exchange for something juicy—like a discount or early access to a sale.

3. Integrate your favorite email service provider (like Flodesk) to automatically add them to your list. Voilà! Email list, here we come! ๐Ÿ“ง๐Ÿš€


Step 5: Sit Back and Monitor the Magic

Track the success of your automated flows by checking out your analytics. Watch those open rates, engagement numbers, and—most importantly—sales climb higher than ever before. ๐ŸŽ‰


Here are some real-world stats to get excited about

  • Email list growth: ManyChat users often see their email lists grow by 30-50% within just a few weeks. Seriously!
  • Revenue boost: ManyChat automation has been shown to increase sales conversions by 20-30%. Cha-ching!
  • Customer engagement: Expect an 80-90% response rate on ManyChat messages. (Instagram posts could NEVER!)


The Bottom Line: ManyChat Makes Instagram Marketing Way More Fun and Profitable

ManyChat takes all the stress out of turning Instagram engagement into actual revenue. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned Insta pro, this tool will help you automate those time-consuming tasks, capture more leads, and—most importantly—drive sales.

And here’s the best part: It’s ridiculously easy to use. So what are you waiting for? SIGN UP FOR A FREE TRIAL of ManyChat today, and let’s get that Instagram sales funnel working for you, 24/7.






Joinย Doula Biz From Scratchย 

A world class marketing mastermind + university level online business course for advanced entrepreneurs who're ready for a CEO glow up and premium uplevel.ย "Basically Hogwarts for Doulas, except this is where you go to learn business magic."ย  - LaTonya Richards


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