Success is 50% Mindset + 50% Mechanics. You Need Both to Reach 100% Of Your Potential!

grit mindset operational elegance success systems Oct 15, 2024

Success may feel like a complex puzzle, but it’s really a balance between just two key elements; MINDSET and MECHANICS! Success is 50% what’s going on in your head (your self-image, confidence and belief systems) and 50% how you’re running the practical side of things (systems, strategies, logistics, tools).


NOTE: I feel so strongly about these two topics that I have entire blog categories dedicated to them. Read all my mindset blogs HERE and read all about Mechanics/Systems HERE.


Let’s break these two things down so you can understand why it’s essential to have BOTH to thrive in business


1. Mindset: Your Inner Game and Self Concept

Definition: Mindset refers to your mental attitude, self-belief, and how you interpret challenges, setbacks, and opportunities. It’s the foundation of how you see yourself and your business in the world.

A growth-oriented mindset propels you forward, helping you overcome obstacles and view failures as learning experiences. This is the self-concept part of the success equation—the internal dialogue and stories you tell yourself about who you are and what you’re capable of.

Examples of Mindset in Action:

  • Self-Concept and Confidence: Let’s say you’re about to offer a premium doula package at a higher price point. If your mindset says, “I’m not worth that much” or “No one will pay for this,” your confidence will falter, and that energy will ripple through your marketing and sales conversations. On the other hand, believing that you provide immense value allows you to step into that role with certainty and success.
  • Resilience: Challenges in your business are inevitable. Maybe a launch doesn’t go as planned, or a client unexpectedly backs out. With a resilient mindset, you’ll view these events not as reasons to give up, but as opportunities to learn and improve.

Research on Mindset: According to psychologist Carol Dweck’s research, people with a growth mindset (the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed) are more likely to achieve success than those with a fixed mindset (the belief that abilities are static). In her studies, those who believed they could improve through effort were more persistent, creative, and able to bounce back from failures. "Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right." — Henry Ford

Mindset Quotes I Love!

  • "We can’t outperform our level of self-esteem. We can’t draw to ourselves more than we think we are worth." – Iyanla Vanzant

  • "You are what you believe yourself to be." – Paulo Coelho

  • "Your self-image sets the boundaries of your success." – Maxwell Maltz

  • "The way you see yourself is the way you will treat yourself, and the way you treat yourself is what you become." – Oprah Winfrey

  • "If you want to change your life, you have to change the way you see yourself." – Vishen Lakhiani

  • "You can never be better than the self-concept you have of yourself." – Brian Tracy

  • "It’s not what you are that holds you back, it’s what you think you are not." – Denis Waitley

  • "To achieve success, you must first believe that you are worthy and capable of it." – Melynda Smith



2. Mechanics: The Systems That Bring Your Vision To Life

Definition: Mechanics refer to the logistics, systems, strategies, and tools that keep your business running smoothly. This includes how you manage clients, handle finances, market your services, and structure your business.

While mindset drives your motivation and vision, mechanics are what turn those dreams into reality. This is where your planning, processes, and strategies come into play.

Examples of Mechanics in Action:

  • Business Systems and Client Management: Without solid mechanics, even the best mindset can fall flat. If you’re great at connecting with clients but don’t have a reliable system for managing appointments, invoicing, and client communications, you’ll struggle to maintain a professional and organized practice.
  • Marketing and Outreach Strategies: No matter how confident you feel about your services, if you’re not using effective marketing strategies—like optimizing your website, leveraging social media, or building an email list—you’re missing out on potential clients. Mechanics ensure that you’re actively building your business and attracting the right people to your practice.

Mechanics/Systems Quotes I Love!

  • "You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems." – James Clear

  • "Systems run the business, and people run the systems." – Michael Gerber

  • "The secret to scaling a business is building effective systems." – John C. Maxwell

  • "A bad system will beat a good person every time." – W. Edwards Deming

  • "Businesses that fail to implement effective systems will fail to grow or maintain their success." – Dan Peña

  • "Successful people are simply those with successful habits. Habits are built on strong systems." – Brian Tracy

  • "A system is only as effective as the people who execute it. But without systems, even talented people will struggle." – Jocko Willink

  • "Focus on systems, not goals. Systems create results." – Scott Adams

  • "Building strong systems creates freedom, not restriction. It allows creativity and innovation to thrive." – Melynda Smith



Why You Need Both: The Secret to Sustainable Success

Imagine trying to build a successful doula practice without one of these elements. If you have an amazing mindset but no operational systems, you’ll feel empowered but struggle to stay organized or scale your business. On the flip side, if your mechanics are flawless but your mindset is negative or full of self-doubt, you’ll find yourself stuck in fear or self-sabotage, unable to step into your full potential.

Think of mindset as the gas in your car and mechanics as the engine. You need both to drive forward! Focusing solely on one while neglecting the other will leave you spinning your wheels.

The Perfect Balance in Action:

  • Example 1: Mindset-Mechanics Combo
    A doula who believes in her value (mindset) will confidently raise her prices. However, she also needs a professional invoicing system (mechanics) to ensure her payment processes are seamless and stress-free for clients.

  • Example 2: Self-Care and Systems
    Entrepreneurs who take care of their mental health and practice self-care (mindset) will have more energy and clarity to implement smart scheduling systems (mechanics) to avoid burnout.


Final Thoughts: The Magic Formula for Entrepreneurial Success

At the end of the day, success is about continually working on both your mindset and your mechanics. As a doula or midwife entrepreneur, you’re building a business that supports both your clients and your own life goals.

  • Spend time each day nurturing your self-image. Surround yourself with positive, growth-minded influences, whether through podcasts, books, or a community of like-minded entrepreneurs.
  • Simultaneously, put systems in place that allow your business to operate smoothly—whether it’s automating your marketing, using client management tools, or setting up workflows that free up your time.

Balancing both is the key to forward motion. You’ve got the power to shape not just your business, but your life, and that’s the magic of entrepreneurship!


To Your Success,



PS: Tell me intuitively; which one do you need to work on first at this stage of your business? Leave a comment below and let me know! 

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A world class marketing mastermind + university level online business course for advanced entrepreneurs who're ready for a CEO glow up and premium uplevel. "Basically Hogwarts for Doulas, except this is where you go to learn business magic."  - LaTonya Richards


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