When Your Business is a Leaky Boat... Fix The Holes First

efficiency operational elegance systems Sep 13, 2024

The dysfunction that exists in your business right now… if you can just eliminate it, there’s revenue right there! In other words, to increase profit, you don’t necessarily have to add new clients/work harder/add new products….

DO NOT add in anything, instead just optimize your CURRENT systems and products. 

Streamline. Automate. Eliminate. Delegate. Strategize. Systematize. Organize.

In other words, fix and optimize what you already have, before adding in new stuff or “expanding”. You may even need to temporarily STOP focusing on client acquisition and expansion, and instead just get your back end in order. 

Here's an analogy to explain what I mean:

Let's say you have a very nice boat that you love. But it has a bunch of small holes in it. It's leaking. You can't take it out on the water. Are you going to:

Fix the holes in the boat


Put a fancy new sail on it, buy a new motor for it?

Hopefully you're thinking “fix the holes in the boat”.

Because a fancy sail or a new motor won't fix the problem, you've still got a boat with holes in that you can't use.

The fancy new sail or new motor might be more “fun and exciting” because hey, who doesn't like to shiny new things?! And wow, the boat will look way cooler. But it's not fixing the dysfunction that currently exists. You're still in the same place.

And your business is like that too. 

You're buying sails and motors you don't even need and ignoring the holes in the boat. 



By eliminating dysfunction and increasing efficiency… you can cut your work week in half.

Which is… (Drum roll please!)

The same thing as doubling your income. 

I mean, I’m sure we would all like to increase revenue. Of course.

But… can you imagine working half the hours you’re currently working, for the same amount of money?

In other words, not increasing your client load, or working harder, but working HALF as much for the same results. Heck yeah. 

That’s a great place to start.

It’s hard as hell to scale a business that’s built on a shaky and efficient foundation. 

Get your house in order first. Then expand.


Comment below and tell me what you think.







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