Upgrade Your Self Concept + Re-Write Your Scripts

mindset Sep 16, 2024

I want to tell you one of my all time favorite sayings. Are you ready? Brace yourself, because here it is and it's a doozy: "If you don't believe it can happen, you won't take the steps necessary to get there." In simple terms... if you don't believe you can hike up a mountain... you won't even start walking toward it.


And because you didn’t even start walking toward it, obviously, there’s no way you’re ever going to get UP it.




You’ve ALREADY firmly decided it’s not possible... so why even make the attempt?Why even be surpised that it “didn't happen”?


Friend, want you to make a list of all the things you’ve firmly decided “JUST CAN’T HAPPEN” for you. Seriously though, go get pen and paper and do the work. Become aware of your daily internal dialogue…


  • “I can’t...”
  • “I could never...”
  • “It’s not possible for me to...”
  • “I don’t...”
  • “I shouldn’t…”
  • “No one” can afford…"
  • “Doulas don't…”
  • “Doulas can't…”


It's so easy for us to spot limiting beliefs in OTHER people. Like that client who says:


"Ugh, I could NEVER have an unmedicated birth!"


"The women in my family just can't breastfeed, we don't make enough milk"


(Notice the words "never", "can't, "don't"...)


For me it used to be:


  • “I can’t find a babysitter... so I can’t work on my biz.”
  • "I could never charge "X" amount of money for my doula service, no one would pay that"
  • “I'm not good at managing my finances/ blogging/marketing”.
  • “I don’t have enough time to ____”.
  • “I’ll never be able to afford that coaching program I want.”
  • “Doulas don't make a lot of money”


When you find yourself speaking in dreary absolutes and extremes like this (never, can't, don't, “no one” etc), it’s time to pause and ask yourself: “Is this an actual, real, eternal FACT... or have I just been repeating this old story over and over again and for so long that it feels like truth (even though it's not)?”


NOTE: If it’s self-defeating/self deprecating and negative... it's usually NOT TRUE.


Now, I’m not saying you need to lie to yourself with that positive thinking stuff, but here’s a beautiful way to reframe:


“I’m having a real hard time finding a babysitter/time to work on my biz but I KNOW there is a solution to this, and eventually I'll figure it out."


“I’m not too great at marketing yet, but I bet I could learn to be. It's a skill I can learn.”


“I want to invest in ____ so bad, I bet I could manifest the money or eventually afford it given some time.” (Instead of saying “I’m broke/can’t afford it” like a broken record).


With the positive reframing, you're like, “yeah- this is difficult but I KNOW I have the smarts, resources, and creativity find/generate/manifest a solution!”


This is called having a GROWTH mindset, instead of a “fixed” mindset.


“Nothing can harm you as much as your own thoughts unguarded.” - Buddha


Anyway, the first step is to start becoming aware of the stories you keep telling yourself. 


We all have internal scripts that play like broken records.


Some of these scripts keep us trapped, limited and stuck.


Start noticing them.


Some of these scripts motivate us, like a kick ass life or business coach whispering inspiring, loving things in your ear 24/7.


Your scripts are your responsibility.


Whatever you tell yourself isn't possible.... isn't fucking possible. 


Right now, this “I could NEVER...” mindset may be what's holding you back in your business, or why you can't seem to move forward and get unstuck. 


When you re-write your stories and upgrade your Self Concept, you'll become absolutely Limitless.

Join Doula Biz From Scratch 

A world class marketing mastermind + university level online business course for advanced entrepreneurs who're ready for a CEO glow up and premium uplevel. "Basically Hogwarts for Doulas, except this is where you go to learn business magic."  - LaTonya Richards


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