Avocado VS. Twinkie Marketing

content marketing Sep 06, 2024

Social media posts have the shelf life of an avocado. 🥑🥑


Perfectly ripe and delectable for about two days and then straight into the trashcan. 🚮 🗑️


Blogs, podcasts, and emails (the holy trinity of marketing) have a shelf life of a Twinkie.


The shit never expires.🤣


Blogs, podcasts, emails; they'll just keep on sending you a steady stream of dream clients for years, if not decades.


Case in point.


A few weeks ago I was reading a marketing blog from an entrepreneur that I adore. I binge read this guys blog!


The end of the amazing blog included a link to one of their best-selling courses. “hey, if you dig this blog, you'll love my course.”


I snatched up the course.


The blog I read (which led to me making a purchase) …. was written back in January 2017. Talk about passive income!


Basically this guy wrote a blog back in 2017 with a CTA to buy his course. I bought the course this year (2022). 


Do you see how that works? Write the blog once… but people continuously discover the blog and read the blog for YEARRSSS to come. 


And that, my friends, is something your social media posts just aren’t doing!!


Because they're dead. Gone. Poof. Lost in a vast digital wasteland. 


It’s almost as if you never even wrote them. 😭


They were incredibly valuable (maybe?) to a... tiny number of people? for about 48 hours?


I don't have a personal vendetta against social media (I swear to goddess I don't!) it's just that I LOVE evidence based marketing, and frankly, the evidence shows that only 2- 5% of your audience will ever see what you post on social media. Organic reach is WAY down. 


So lets recap: 


  • No one's seeing your SM posts to begin with.
  • To add insult to injury, that SM post will then die within a few days or hours, never to be seen again.
  • The current value of all the social media posts you've ever made is approximately zero.


What we're talking about here, is the ability to create expert content, tailored to your target audience that has MASSIVE, eternal value and is engineered (and guaranteed) to convert fans and followers into actual paying clients. 


If this is a skill you want to learn, join me inside Doula Biz From Scratch today!

Join Doula Biz From Scratch 

A world class marketing mastermind + university level online business course for advanced entrepreneurs who're ready for a CEO glow up and premium uplevel. "Basically Hogwarts for Doulas, except this is where you go to learn business magic."  - LaTonya Richards


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