The Hidden Sabotage: How Subconscious Thoughts Can Thwart Business Growth

mindset Jul 17, 2024

If you're not careful, most of the business "decisions" you make this year are going to keep you stuck exactly where you are. Sounds harsh, right? But here's the truth: your mind, running on autopilot, is constantly recycling the same old thoughts and beliefs, holding you back from the growth and success you desire. Studies show that the average person has tens of thousands of thoughts each day, and a huge chunk of them are negative or just plain repetitive. So, while you think you're actively making choices for your business, what’s really happening is your brain is replaying its old programming—keeping you safe, yes, but also keeping you stuck. Let’s dive into why that happens and, more importantly, how to break free from it.


According to the National Science Foundation, the average person has about 12,000 to 60,00 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative and 95% are exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before. In other words, the majority of your thoughts (and therefore your actions and decisions) are 100% ON LIGHTENING SPEED AUTOPILOT. 


Your thoughts and decisions are based on past behaviors, experiences, and perceptions. Past, past, past, old, old, old.


You think you're "deciding" each moment, but SO much of what you do and think is completely automatic and based on old-ass programming.


Your brain's tendency to focus on the past... keeps you in the past. Your brain is designed to default to actions, thoughts, behaviors and habits that keep you “safe". BTW anything that's NEW... is considered “unsafe”... and creates fear. Maybe it's just subconscious fear, but nevertheless, there it is; keeping you frozen.


So when you have that "great idea" that you know will take your business to new heights, your brain begins to send thoughts that sabotage moving forward on it.


BIG PROBLEM: The smarter the brain.... the more hidden and subversive the sabotage.


You don't even notice the hundreds of little subconscious decisions you're making in each moment that move you away from your awesome new idea. That move you away from success. So when you fail, you think, "well, I guess that just didn't work out". Instead of realizing that you self-sabotaged like a mf.


This is how the whole thing works, in a nutshell:




This is why it's so important to be aware of your thoughts patterns, self talk and practice mental hygiene.


But seriously, a lot of times, the only thing standing in the way... is you.


  • Your own Self Concept. Almost 100% subconscious.
  • Your own Limiting Beliefs. Again, almost 100% subconscious.
  • Your own brain, trying to keep you safe (AKA stuck).


This is why every day, I do a HIGHER SELF visualization.


  • I ask myself: What's the most bad bitch, genius, kick-ass, brilliant, creative, kind, loving version of me... going to do today? What am I NOT going to do today?
  • **What thoughts am I going to think?**
  • What habits, beliefs, and thoughts am I going to throw in the trash?
  • Who do I need to BE... to create the future that I want?


I think about how I'm going to speak, think, and act successfully. I visualize my success in detail. I see myself moving through the day. I think of what a successful person looks like, thinks, does, etc and I try to truly embody that. I act "as if" I am that person. "Act" this way long enough and eventually you WILL BE that person!


Gotta reprogram those old crappy limiting beliefs! It takes time and effort to do that. A lot of inner work. And consistency. To help with this, I pray, do creative visualization, NLP, EFT, self-hypnosis, meditation, inner child healing, recite affirmations, journaling, etc.


At the end of the day, maybe the only thing standing between you and your business breakthrough... is you. Your self-concept, limiting beliefs, and past conditioning are powerful forces, but they’re NOT unchangeable or fixed. It all starts with becoming aware of the old patterns and taking intentional action to shift your mindset. By tuning into the most empowered, future-focused version of yourself every day, you can start making decisions from a place of possibility rather than fear. The path to success is an inner game first—and once you master that, everything else will follow. It's time to step into your power and create the future you've always dreamed of!






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