"Why Aren't People Buying My Shit?" 5 Point Checklist!

marketing sales Sep 01, 2024

If you have a valuable, transformational, soulful solution to one of society's major problems (and you definitely do, if you're reading this!!)

Then it’s your J-O-B to let people know it exists and how to access it (aka work with you!)

If you don’t, people will continue to suffer.

I know that sounds serious, but it's true. Think about it. You have a radical, important solution/remedy… the Magical Medicine… to a very real and painful issue! But maybe you’re not telling the world about it. (wtf?)

Or, maybe you are, but no one is pickin’ up what you’re puttin’ down.


You may be wondering.

You know the thing you offer is so very incredible.

Mind-bogglingly valuable. Important. Super cool. Needed. Desired. In high demand.

And yet, you have no customers/clients (or not enough).

What gives?!?


Melynda’s “WHY IS NO ONE BUYING MY SHIT?” Handy Dandy 5 Point Checklist

1. Have you told your audience/fans/followers the exact steps they need to take to buy, in simple, plain ass English? Like, would it make sense to your 85 year old Aunt Gertrude? To a 10 year old? You have to include a simple, easy to understand, crystal clear CALL TO ACTION in every piece of content you create. Tell them what their next best step is and INCLUDE THE LINK. Make it easy AF for them to book a consultation, visit your website, sign up for your newsletter, send you a DM, etc etc. Don’t just “hope and pray” they’ll find that link in your bio and magically know what to do next. People are busy and overstimulated and distracted and tired, so do them a favor and take the guesswork out of it. You’re the guide, so take them by the hand and lead the way. No one else will.

2. Is the “SIGN UP HERE” message buried underneath so much rambling and marketing foreplay that folks tune out and exit out before they even get to the offer, which is in tiny print at the very bottom in the “P.S.” Quit pussy footin' around. Be bold. Get to the dang point already.

3. How many times has your audience seen or heard about your offer? Once… and it was six months ago? Twice? Three times in an entire year? Did you know that someone has to see something EIGHT times in order to even remember what it was about? Did you know that only 2- 5% of your social media following ever even sees your content?! Meditate on the maximum number of times you can imagine yourself making your offer. Now, multiply that number by three. That’s how many offers you should be making. Minimum. Because… you’re getting new fans and followers every day who don’t even know what you do yet. They literally just discovered you yesterday. And the people that have heard about your offer, have already forgotten about it. Refresh their memory!! #PregnancyBrain

4. Are you powerful, assertive, passionate and confident when you invite people to work with you/ buy your thing… or is your invitation meek, full of shame, tiny, needy, awkward, “Umm, I know you're busy, and I hate to bother you, but in case you’re maybe possibly interested, perhaps reach out and oh yeah, I’ll totally give you a discount plus a payment plan and also overdeliver and undercharge because I know you can’t afford this and can’t even comprehend the value of it”

Seriously, you can retire that attitude completely. That approach comes from assuming they're broke, ignorant or that they need to be coddled/convinced (or all of the above). BUT THEY DON'T!

Assume the best of your audience; assume they adore you, look up to you, fan-girl over you, think you're a genius, love your content/ vibe, totally understand the value of your offer, KNOW you can get them the results they want and WANT TO PAY PREMIUM PRICES. TODAY. Your audience will always live up to your expectation of them. So, expect the best. Hold them in high esteem. Hold them in unconditional positive high regard.

5. Have you told them exactly what they’re going to get, in language that isn’t abstract, vague, confusing, overly poetic, ultra spiritual millennial mumbo jumbo?

Be clear and concise.

This is what you’ll get.

These are the RESULTS you can expect

This is exactly, specifically what you’ll be able to ACHIEVE by way of working with me.

Here is the actual PROCESS (or framework) I use to get clients results and help them achieve their goal.

Here is who this offer is for, and who it’s not for.

Here’s how what I do is radically different, way cooler, and more effective than what other people in my industry are doing.

Here’s proof from previous clients that what I do, actually works (i.e. reviews and testimonials).

This is your next step/"this is how to get the ball rolling" (and be sure to include the link).

NOTE: All of this information needs to go on your premium offer's official Sales Page. If you’re not sure what a Sales Page is, why you need one, or you're not confident in your ability to create one, I’ll give you extremely clear, simple, nauseatingly detailed, step-by-step instructions inside Doula Biz From Scratch.


You'll have more clients than you can shake a stick at.

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A world class marketing mastermind + university level online business course for advanced entrepreneurs who're ready for a CEO glow up and premium uplevel. "Basically Hogwarts for Doulas, except this is where you go to learn business magic."  - LaTonya Richards


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