How a Sales Funnel Works (in a nutshell)

marketing sales funnels Sep 03, 2024

The formula for getting doula clients is SIMPLE.


Here's the secret sauce:


Traffic >> Leads >> Prospects >> Conversions


That's it. That's all you need.


Traffic refers to "eyeballs" on your offer. People visiting your website. They're looking at you, checking you out.


Leads refers to the traffic that gives you their contact info, such as their email address. Now we’re getting warmer.


Prospect means they’re on your calendar for a consultation. Now they’re HOT.


And a conversion means that the prospect took action and hired you. Boom. New client.


Real quick, I want to break each one down.


TRAFFIC: Traffic refers to the number of "eyeballs" on whatever it is you're promoting. This is all about the initial awareness / discovery phase. This is when it first enters their consciousness that you even exist. Traffic pretty much means someone just lands on your website or whatever page you’re promoting. This is the sales funnel phase people are most familiar with. But people "looking" at your stuff isn't enough! You have to turn traffic into leads.


LEADS: When someone gives their contact info, now you've got a lead. Now you can contact them, follow up with them, nurture them, etc. It's not enough to have traffic (eyeballs). You need LEADS. This is why I teach my students how to do email marketing. Without leads, all you've got is a bunch of faceless, nameless people visiting your website whom you can't contact or follow up with, or continue to nurture BECAUSE YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO THEY ARE much less how to contact them. To get someone's contact info you're going to need to offer something in exchange. So maybe you create a freebie opt-in (“download my free workbook”) or host a live workshop etc. When you have a lead that means they’re officially interested in who you are and what you do. They want to learn more, hear more. >> Traffic is like when you're at a bar talking to a hottie and a "lead" is when you actually get their phone number. <<


PROSPECTS: If you’re a doula or midwife, it’s not enough to have leads. You need to get those leads on your calendar for a consultation. When you have a prospect you have someone that clearly desires what you offer. Filling your consultation calendar with hot, *qualified* prospects is your primary IPA (income-producing activity). If you’re a doula or midwife with no consultations on the books you’re screwed.


CONVERSIONS (aka “customers”): Conversion refers to people who hire you. This is when a sale is made; when a prospect takes ACTION.


 So basically you’re intentionally moving people from:


 AWARENESS (traffic) >> INTEREST (leads) >> DESIRE (prospect) >> ACTION (conversion).


 This is called the A.I.D.A. model.


**You have to have a system set up to do this on purpose, continuously.** Otherwise, you're stuck on the Revenue Rollercoaster forever. Barf.


Ideally, you create an elegant and effective enrollment engine that pretty much works on autopilot. Hell yeah.


Because doulas and midwives only have a small window of time in which to close a high ticket sale, they need a system designed to move their audience through A.I.D.A. as quickly and powerfully as possible.


Comment below and let me know if this sounds like something you need. I have something extra special for you…!







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