Weird Success Secret: Be a Fabulous Fuck Up + a Fantastic Failure

grit mindset Sep 11, 2024

Starting and running a business is just a series of never ending experiments. Some experiments don't go quite as planned, like when you promote the crap out of a webinar and then no one shows up. Or a ton of people show up but no one buys the thing you pitched at the end of the webinar.


So you get overly emotional and feel like a failure. 


 But "Failure" is just data and feedback from an experiment.


Try to take a more neutral stance. 


Drop the sorrow, and instead assess the data, see what needs to be recalibrated, see what went well, see what can be improved.


Tweak the process a bit. 


Make some adjustments.


Run the experiment again.


Every time, you'll get closer to your goal, and to the result you want. 


If you're not willing to do this, then maybe entrepreneurship isn't for you. 




Great news:


Failure is still forward motion.


Failure = wisdom.


The wisdom to know what doesn't work, and why.


WHAT DID THIS TEACH ME? Is the question to ask.


Honestly, I'm great at what I do not because I'm innately talented, but because I've failed so often.


I have so much data, feedback, and wisdom from my "experiments"!!


Years of it.


My knowledge/wisdom/expertise doesn't come from "talent", innate skill, intelligence, luck, or whatever.


99.9999% of it comes from “failed” experiments. 


Like my man Neils Bohr said: "An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field.”


In other words, everyone you see that's “wildly successful” is really just an ENORMOUS fuck up. They have failed more times than most people will even make attempts. 


Fail fast.


Fail forward.


Fail fabulously.


Bring the Mad Scientist Energy!

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A world class marketing mastermind + university level online business course for advanced entrepreneurs who're ready for a CEO glow up and premium uplevel. "Basically Hogwarts for Doulas, except this is where you go to learn business magic."  - LaTonya Richards


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