Be The Suckiest Mothersucker That Ever Lived (If You Want To Rise To The Top)

grit mindset Oct 02, 2024

All the things I’m pretty dang good at now, I used to absolutely fucking SUCK at..


  • Writing blogs and emails
  • Designing sales pages
  • Creating KPI's, SOP's + OKR's
  • Hosting webinars
  • Doing Facebook lives
  • Consultations
  • Coaching
  • Developing sales funnels
  • Creating graphics and workbooks and lead captures
  • Cooking (ok ok I still can't cook, let's be real)



If you had told me 10 years ago I would be really good at that stuff, I'd have thought you were insane.


Honestly, I’m not "naturally" good at any of these things!! Or likely ANY of the things you see me doing, that you think I'm; “good at”. In the beginning, I had a really hard time doing all of this. Such a hard time. Fuck!


Honestly, I had to practice. I developed these skills over time!


I had to crank out a lot of shitty stuff first. And fail. And fail again. And embarrass myself. And practice. Then practice some more.


I’m not 100% sure that “practice makes perfect” but I DO know for sure that:




The biggest mistake most entrepreneurs make when they want to get really good at something or learn a new skill, is that they default to buying books, enrolling courses, talking to people who've already done it, etc.


Which is step one. And very important, yes. Please do that.


***** But they rarely move into step two, which is actually PRACTICING DOING that thing they just learned all about!!!??? *****


Practicing is what's going to actually collapse the timeline and move you into mastery with lightning speed. Not information accumulation; actually practicing doing the thing.


You can read all the books you want about “how to ride a bicycle”; but you won't truly make progress until you get on a bike and start pedaling.


You can read all the books you want about yoga and yogic philosophy… ACTUALLY DOING YOGA is where the magic is.


You can enroll in a $10,000 course about how to be the best blogger ever and work even work with a blog coach; but YOU WILL NOT BECOME A GREAT BLOGGER UNLESS YOU START WRITING BLOGS.




That's the only way anybody ever got really good at anything- is by practicing.


You can not go from beginner to master, without practicing.


Yes, “practicing” means you will temporarily SUCK at doing the new thing you're doing. This “suck” phase is painful and you may want to avoid it, but please don't.


Look the suck right in the eye.


Say: “Looka here, sucker…”


And just keep on truckin.


That painful embarrassing “I suck at this” phase is when most people give up and move on to the next shiny thing. And then the cycle just repeats itself again and again and again...


Common scenario: You try something new, and since you're new, you're not very proficient, of course, so you think “wow I'm really bad at this, I should just give up and try something else…” and then you go through that cycle for years and never get good at anything.


Expect to suck. Know that that's ok. It's normal. Power through it. Don't give up.






Be the suckiest mothersucker that ever lived.


It's absolutely necessary if you want to be great… so you might as well enjoy it.


The suck is temporary. I promise.


MY NUMBER ONE TIP OF THE DAY: The best way to cut down on the Suck Timeline is to practice. A LOT.


If you don't want to suck at something… then keep practicing until you get good at it, but for the LOVE OF GAWD, don't give up.


Love ya.



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