Success Loves Speed: How to Take Massive, Imperfect Action TODAY

mindset minimum viable product mvp perfectionism Sep 01, 2024

Ever found yourself stuck in the thinking/analyzing/learning phase, going over your dreams in your head but never actually taking the plunge? Maybe you're crafting the perfect plan or waiting for the right moment, but deep down, you know you're just dickin' around! It's time to change that. The truth is, success comes to those who act. The faster you move from idea to action, the more likely you are to succeed.


"Success loves speed."


I know you already intuitively know that, but here's some real hard science to back it up.


I want you to start making strides toward your dreams today!


The Science of Quick Action

Research shows that people who move from idea to action quickly are far more likely to be successful. Waiting too long? That's a sure way to lose motivation and miss out on opportunities!! A study from the National Bureau of Economic Research found that successful entrepreneurs make decisions swiftly and adapt along the way, learning from real-world feedback rather than sitting in analysis paralysis.


In the world of business, speed of implementation is a major predictor of success. Tony Robbins, the life and business strategist, is a huge advocate of this approach, saying:


“The path to success is to take massive, determined action.”


And he's right! Action creates momentum, and momentum builds success. You can’t course-correct a ship that’s not moving—so just get moving.


Perfection Is Overrated

Let me tell you a secret: perfection is an illusion. Think about some of the most successful companies in the world, like Amazon. Jeff Bezos has built his empire on a philosophy of fast action, encouraging his team to take risks, make decisions quickly, and learn from failure. His advice?


“If you’re good at course correcting, being wrong may be less costly than you think, whereas being slow is going to be expensive for sure.”


Don’t get trapped in the idea of needing to have it all figured out before you begin. That mindset will keep you stuck forever. Instead, follow the Lean Startup Methodology, which encourages you to build a "minimum viable product" (MVP) and test it as fast as possible. You can refine things along the way, but the key is to start.


The Benefits of Fast Action

Still feeling hesitant? Let’s break down the perks of being a fast mover:

  • Adaptability: Acting quickly lets you learn on the go. By doing, you’ll discover what works and what doesn’t, and you’ll be able to pivot based on real-world feedback. This is far more valuable than spending months theorizing.
  • Momentum: Once you take the first step, the next one feels easier. Starting builds momentum, and momentum is your friend. It's like riding a bike—the hardest part is the initial push, but after that, you're cruising.
  • Confidence: Every time you take action, you're telling yourself, "I can do this." You start building trust in your abilities, and that confidence snowballs. 
Avoiding Regret: According to psychological research published in Psychological Science, procrastination not only lowers motivation but also increases feelings of regret. Taking action, even imperfect action, is what keeps you moving forward and prevents you from looking back with a sense of "What if?"


A Practical Example: The Lean Startup Approach

Let’s look at the highly successful Lean Startup Methodology by Eric Ries. He suggests starting with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)—a simple version of your idea that you can test with real people. This means acting on your idea now, not later. Get feedback, make adjustments, and improve over time. It’s how some of the biggest companies in the world got their start.


“The only way to win is to learn faster than anyone else.” — Eric Ries


Speed, feedback, and iteration are the keys to long-term success. Sitting around waiting for the stars to align isn’t.


How to Stop Dickin' Around and Start Taking Action

  1. Set a Tiny Goal: Break your big dream into tiny, actionable steps. Want to launch a business? Start with one thing today—buy the domain, set up a meeting, or draft your vision.
  2. Get Comfortable with Imperfection: Remember that perfect doesn’t exist. Your first move doesn’t need to be flawless; it just needs to happen.
  3. Create a Deadline: Give yourself a timeline to act. The pressure of a deadline will get you moving. Parkinson’s Law states that work expands to fill the time available—so make that window short!
  4. Embrace Feedback: As soon as you take action, seek feedback. It’s your best teacher. You can only improve by learning, and you can only learn by doing.
  5. Celebrate Every Step: Every action is progress. Celebrate your wins, no matter how small, because each one brings you closer to your dream.


Let’s Make It Happen

Now is the time to stop letting fear hold you back. The world needs your dream, and it's waiting for you to bring it to life. As Wayne Gretzky said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Imagine where you could be a year from now if you start today.


Remember, you don't have to know every step of the journey; you just need to take the first one. Success comes to those who move, and you’re capable of achieving incredible things—if you stop hesitating and start acting. You can build the plane while you're flying, bebe! âœˆď¸








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