Productivity Is A Prison. The Real Goal Should Be EFFICIENCY; Here's Why

efficiency minimalism operational elegance productivity simplicity systems Oct 15, 2024

 We often equate productivity with success, believing that the more we do, the closer we’ll get to that elusive work-life balance. But let's take a step back and ask: Is productivity really what we should be aiming for? 

By definition, productivity is about how much output you can produce. So, naturally, if you’re juggling multiple responsibilities, hitting “peak productivity” might feel like the ultimate goal. I used to think so, too.

"If I can just get more done," I thought, "I’ll finally be able to work less and enjoy the freedom I crave!"

Sounds great, right? Buuuut...

Here’s what really happened.

I DID figure out how to get more done. In fact, I became a productivity powerhouse—accomplishing more in a week than most people did in a month. But guess what? Instead of working less (as was the goal)... I just fit more into those hours. My hamster wheel sped up, faster and faster.

More tasks completed > more tasks taken on > rinse and repeat.

Sure, I got a lot done, but I wasn’t actually reducing my work hours. I was just cramming more into the same amount of time. The more productive I became, the more I could do, and the cycle never ended.

Then one day, it hit me—like a lightning bolt right between the eyes. 

Maybe it’s not about doing more. Maybe it’s about installing operational elegance in my business—having the ability to do less, because those few things I do have ENORMOUS IMPACT. 

That was my lightbulb moment.

The real secret to working less isn’t about being more productive; it’s about being more efficient!

And yes, that’s a total mind-bender for most of us who’ve been conditioned to believe that doing more is the key... to achieving more.

But here’s my invitation to you: Let’s shift the focus from productivity to efficiency. The concepts of productivity and efficiency are often used interchangeably, but they actually represent two TOTALLY different aspects of work performance. Understanding the difference is going to give you a massive paradigm shift! So, let's break it down:


The Huge Difference Between Productivity and Efficiency



  • Productivity measures the quantity of work done within a given time. It’s only about output—how much you produce.

  • A person or business that's highly productive gets a lot done, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are using resources like time, energy, or materials in the best way. It doesn't mean they're doing the right things, or that they're doing things that create meaningful impact. 

  • Example: If you post on social media 200 times this month, your productivity is high in terms of quantity. However, if none of those posts are relevant or generate results, the actual impact of your work is low. In other words you're productive, but NOT efficient. 




  • Efficiency focuses on how well resources (time, energy, money) are used to achieve the desired result. It's about getting the most value out of your input.
  • Someone who is efficient completes tasks with minimal waste and maximum results, often by prioritizing what matters most.
  • Example: Making 5 high value, high quality, relevant social media posts this month, which actually get people on your calendar for a consultation, is a great example of efficiency. Though you made fewer posts (lower productivity), the impact is greater because you're using your time and resources wisely.


Why Efficiency is Better Than Productivity

  • Sustainability: Being efficient ensures that you don’t burn out, as you’re using less time, energy and resources to achieve more significant results. 
  • Focus on Quality: Efficiency prioritizes quality over quantity. Rather than getting more done for the sake of it, it emphasizes doing the right things... things that actually move the needle and produce results! 
  • Cost-effectiveness: In business, efficiency leads to better use of resources, which cuts costs. 
  • Improved Results: By focusing on high-impact tasks, efficiency drives better outcomes.


Examples That Contrast Productivity and Efficiency

  1. Business Example:

    • Productivity: A birth doula takes on 6 clients in a month, attending as many births as possible to maximize her income. She runs from one birth to the next without much time for recovery or self care. She’s super busy and overwhelmed, and the quality of care suffers because she’s stretched thin. Her clients don't feel as supported as they could be. This doula, is "super productive" and "booked out" and busy, but to the detriment of herself and her clients. 

    • Efficiency: Instead of trying to serve as many clients as possible, a doula takes on just 2- 3 clients in a month, but charges much more because now she has the bandwidth to provide a premium service. She invests more time upfront in prenatal meetings, personalized support, and postpartum care. This focused attention results in a better experience for her clients, stronger relationships, and therefore more word-of-mouth referrals. Though she works with fewer clients (lower productivity), her services are more impactful, and her business grows sustainably through higher client satisfaction. Because she provides such a high quality service and gets ehr clients such amazing results, word of mouth fuels her business to the point where she doesn't even have to do any digital marketing anymore. Heck yes!

  2. Marketing Example:

    • Productivity: You write 12 blog posts a month, but the topics aren’t well-researched, and none of them resonate with your target audience, or get any shares, likes or comments. 
    • Efficiency: You spend time researching and crafting just four expert blog post per month, ensuring they addresses your readers' specific pain points and generate high quality solutions to those pain points, which leads to LOADS of engagement and shares, despite writing less content.

In short, while productivity focuses on output, efficiency is about achieving the best results with the least amount of time, energy and resources. In a world that values both hustle, efficiency is often the smarter approach because it actually leads to meaningful results.

TL;DR: Do less, but better. 




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