Have An Idea You Want To Bring to Life YESTERDAY? You Need a "Minimum Viable Product"!

mindset mvp perfectionism product development Sep 19, 2024


The quickest way to launch something... and the best way to punch paralyzing perfectionism and procrastination in the face... is to launch the "MVP" version of whatever it is you're creating! Your website, offer, podcast, course... whatever it is you want to launch, launch the MVP version.... now!


Let's kick this off: What exactly is an "MVP"?

An MVP, or Minimum Viable Product, is like the "lite" version of whatever brilliant idea you’re bringing to life—a stripped-down, no-frills version of your product or service. It’s designed to get your concept out there quickly, with minimal investment of time, money, and energy (and yes, less stress too!). This isn’t your final, glitzy masterpiece. Nope, it’s your idea in its most basic form—just enough to showcase the core concept and framework. Some folks call it a "prototype," but whatever you name it, the goal is to start testing ASAP. Guess what? This isn't some revolutionary concept. It's how the big players and trailblazers roll.


3 Real-life examples of an MVP

EXAMPLE #1: When I first launched my signature coaching program, Doula Biz From Scratch, back in 2020; it wasn’t the glammed-up, bells-and-whistles-filled course portal it is today—with bonuses, a podcast, community, and yes, even a mobile app! Nope, it started as a simple six-week live program. No fancy slideshow videos, just me, a Google Doc, and coaching calls. That bare-bones “beta tester” version got real-time feedback and evolved organically. And because I didn’t wait for it to be “perfect,” my business was profitable right from the get-go. In just two months, I went from idea to product to sales.


Honestly, I shudder to think how long it would’ve taken to get paying clients if I’d waited for "perfection"! Plus, imagine all the stressed-out doulas who would've been left struggling because they didn’t have access to the info sooner. Bottom line? You’re here to help people NOW. And guess what? Usually, all it takes is a few powerful ideas, well implemented, to transform someone's life.


EXAMPLE #2: When I first launched my coaching biz, I didn’t even have a website. Gasp! My MVP “website” was literally a Google Doc. Yep, I had the sales page for Doula Biz From Scratch typed out in a plain ole Google Doc. No sleek, professionally designed site, just a plane jane doc. For about a year, when someone asked about working with me, I sent them the Google Doc and they signed up by clicking a link inside it. The fancy, shiny website came way later!


So, what’s the lesson? Don’t get hung up on appearances. Keep it simple. Focus on delivering value and helping people get from point A to point B. That’s when the magic happens—and when people start raving about your product.


EXAMPLE #3: Let's say you want to start a podcast. Well, guess what? All you need to start a podcast is to record yourself talking. YES, THAT'S FUCKING IT. Record yourself talking and upload it. That's the MVP version. You can always upgrade to a fancy microphone or cool "intro music" later. The world needs your medicine, message and magic now. Quit making people wait! 💖


Value, transformation, and results don’t need to be complicated or fancy. Keep it real and focus on the essentials. Remember to KISS; "keep it simple, sexy". 😎


4 Reasons to Create an MVP First

  1. Speed to Market! Building an MVP gets you out there fast. You’ll beat competitors who are busy perfecting their products, while you’re already making waves (and sales!). Don’t let that great idea gather dust while others take the spotlight.
  2. Real User Feedback: Your MVP isn’t just a product; it’s a learning tool. Launch it, gather feedback from real users or beta testers, and let them guide you. They'll tell you what they love, what they could do without, and what’s missing. Then, you can tweak, refine, and improve. Your product should constantly evolve to stay relevant, and feedback is gold in this process.
  3. Budget-Friendly: Developing a minimal version saves you from dumping resources into something that might need major adjustments later. It’s a smart, cost-effective way to get started.
  4. Value Creation: You’ve got skills, passion, and a message—so why wait? You can start changing lives today. Your MVP doesn’t need to be perfect to help people; it just needs to solve a problem and move them forward.


Top 5 Tips for Creating an MVP

  1. Identify Core Features: Focus on what’s essential. Forget the extras for now and hone in on the few key elements that define your product.
  2. Solve a Problem: Make sure your MVP tackles a real pain point. Keep it simple, effective, and geared towards results.
  3. Build a Prototype: Whether it’s an app, a course, or something else, build a basic version that works. It doesn’t need to sparkle—functionality is the key.
  4. Gather Feedback Early: Get your MVP in front of real users, fast. Their insights will show you what’s working and where you can improve.
  5. Iterate and Pivot: Be ready to evolve. If the feedback points in a new direction, embrace the change and adjust course. Flexibility is your friend!


Overcoming Perfectionism and Procrastination with an MVP

Perfectionism is the enemy of progress. We often get stuck thinking our product or service isn’t "good enough" yet. But here’s the thing: starting imperfectly is exactly what you should be doing! An MVP frees you from the pressure of perfection. It lets you make mistakes, learn from them, and grow.

Remember, Facebook was once just a simple site for Harvard students—look where it is now! By embracing imperfection with your MVP, you leave room for innovation, growth, and most importantly, progress. Don’t let the need for perfection hold you back. Launch, learn, and evolve. Your journey to success starts with that first, beautifully imperfect step.





PS: Feeling stuck or stagnant? Want to move forward FAST? Read this blog next!

Join Doula Biz From Scratch 

A world class marketing mastermind + university level online business course for advanced entrepreneurs who're ready for a CEO glow up and premium uplevel. "Basically Hogwarts for Doulas, except this is where you go to learn business magic."  - LaTonya Richards


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