Done-For-You Content Plan For The Week (5 High Level Prompts!)

content creation marketing Oct 14, 2024

You need these 5 content prompts, because they build connection, trust and authority… ALL of which are required in order for someone to feel confident and comfortable enough to invest in your sacred services. 😍


And yes, I know even the whisper of the word “authority” makes you Rebel archetypes put up both fists (I get it, lol!) but this is the HEALTHY, beautiful kind of authority. Like, if you knew Margaret Atwood (author of The Handmaid's Tale) was teaching a creative writing class in your town, you'd immediately throw down on that b/c you KNOW she knows her stuff. You consider her an authority/expert!


Ok, now that we've got that straight, are you ready to create content that has your audience thinking: “I freaking love your content! I swear to god it's like you’re inside my head! Can we like, hang out or something? We could be BFF's!" 💖


Let's gooooo



Here's Your Complete Content Plan For This Week!​

💌 1. How my client went from ___ to ___

Everyone LOVES storytelling content, and this will go perfectly in a blog, podcast, or email newsletter. Example: “How my client went from “I could NEVER have an unmedicated birth!” to catching her own 10-pound baby in a birth pool at home LIKE A BOSS.”

Brainstorm Session: Where was your client (mentally, emotionally, spiritually) before they started working with you? What was their mindset / limiting belief? What did you do together? What were their key takeaways and aha moments? And finally, what was the result?

This kind of content lets your audience see your clients' magnificent transformation; their “point a” and “point b”. Your audience will say… wow, I want this, too!

While this is often called “storytelling content”, you can also file it under “Authority Content”. Showing your audience HOW you've gotten other clients amazing results builds trust and authority. It's living, breathing PROOF that you can do that thing you keep saying you know how to do.

And bebe… trust and authority are a precursor to sales! People ONLY buy from people they know, like and trust.

After your audience reads content like this, they will have more faith and trust that YES- you are capable of getting them the results/transformation they're seeking, because you've done it for others.


💌 2. How I went from ____ to ____

Now it's your turn! We also love to see EMBODIED leadership. What was your OWN transformation like? This is so energetically powerful because it's your unique story, journey, and truth - totally magnetic!

Examples: “How I went from “following the herd” to making evidence-based, intuitive decisions about how I wanted to give birth.” Or, “How I went from severe diastasis recti to having a rock solid core again."

This is also a HUGE trust builder. Your audience wants to know you've overcome their same struggles. They want to know you've been there too, because if you have, that means you really do understand and empathize with them. This will build such a strong connection. <3

Think about it like this… if it was your goal to lose 100 pounds, who would you trust more… a fitness coach that's been skinny af their whole life, or someone that's actually… lost 100 pounds?!


💌 3. Steal my __ so you can ___ (insert their #1 desired result here)

Share your own strategy, framework or expert plan for your niche!


  • Steal my holistic birth plan template so you can get crystal clear on what your birth goals and desires are
  • Steal my ultimate postpartum checklist so you can prepare for baby's arrival and feel more confident as a new parent
  • Steal my top 10 breastfeeding tips so you can latch that baby with ease and make sure he's getting plenty of that yummy liquid gold!

We love to see your frameworks, checklists and processes for getting results! This shows your audience you actually have a PROCESS or a FRAMEWORK for helping people achieve “X” result. There's a big difference between telling people you can help them… and SHOWING them you can help them.

Show instead of tell, if you want to sell.



💌 4. What most ____ won’t tell you (or don’t know) about ____

We love to see you take a stand on anything you think is BS in your industry!

Example: “What most doulas won’t tell you (or don’t know) about _____.”

Ooohhh yas. Everyone loves a good “pattern disrupter”. This is sure to make them do a double take, or have a massive paradigm shift. Go ahead and tweak their brain a little bit. 😎 This will help you stand out in your industry, and give them a glimpse into your world view/belief system/ unique perspective.

This is a strong “differentiation” strategy. Have fun with it! :)


💌 5. ____ happened to me, and here’s what I learned

You have so many beautiful stories inside of you. Everything- good, bad, ugly… has a powerful lesson in it. Share your precious lived wisdom with the world! Your story can AND WILL transform lives. Sharing your story might be the most scary… but healing, powerful and potent thing you ever do as a human being and entrepreneur. Have faith that your story WILL resonate with the right people and be the daggum Bat Signal that calls in your most perfect fit, soul-aligned, high end clients.


Friend, I hope these content prompts hit the spot!! :)


Leave a comment below and let me know which one is your favorite!





BONUS TIP #1: Turn these content prompts into long-form content (podcasts, blogs, emails or Youtube videos) instead of IG or FB posts. 


BONUS TIP #2: Include a clear, specific CTA (call to action) with EVERY post you make. Tell people what the next step is! You don't want them to just “read” your stuff. The idea is to take them by the hand and gently guide them through the rest of your sales funnel so they actually become a client! Example: "PS: Want more? Click my link in bio to join my newsletter / schedule a consultation / download my (insert freebie here)!"

Join Doula Biz From Scratch 

A world class marketing mastermind + university level online business course for advanced entrepreneurs who're ready for a CEO glow up and premium uplevel. "Basically Hogwarts for Doulas, except this is where you go to learn business magic."  - LaTonya Richards


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